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Google Wave – a new way to communicate

A few days back I received an invite for Google Wave from my friend Lijeesh. I’m not sure how he remembered me with only 10 invites he had to distribute! Anyway thanks man.

Google Wave

After reading many articles and seeing so many videos on Google Wave, like everyone, I wanted to get a chance to use it. I nearly forgot about it. It is a really cool application or whatever you want to call it. Like in the videos, everything seems so easy and after a few times we become experts. I think people like us have become lazy by the day. With this tool it becomes worse! We will never leave this application. Everything is ‘Drag and Drop’.

Every mail is centralised and all you have to do is to add people to your previous conversation. You can edit any part. Add photos, documents. Share the same documents with others without attaching them again and again for each person you send it. I’m not sure how BCC works here! This is testing time and I guess most of the features will be incorporated soon.

According to Google, ‘ Google Wave is an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.’

This will become an addiction soon for many. You can play games with your friends in live time. You can see his moves as and when he moves it! Also true for typing. Every letter you type can be seen by all the users connected to the conversation instantly. And all can type simultaneously and can be seen on the screen. There are so many gadgets available and many more in development by users. You can voice chat with all friends thus having a conversation at the same time posting images, documents etc… live. Right now the users are low or at least my contact list is small so I still haven’t fully used it.

I think a lot of organisations would ban or block this application. Reasons being, this application is an in integration of so many other applications like email, chat, voip, social networking, games etc. There are more chances of it being abused in organisations than suing it. Google Wave in Dubai will surely pick up soon. In India with so many fans, Google Wave will be a hit.

If used properly this certainly is the new WAVE of change in all our communications! Well done Google. Well done Google Wave team.

You can read more about Google Wave here – and

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