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Beware of fraudulent Job Companies in UAE
This is very disturbing news. Every now and then we find people taking advantage of people’s misfortunes. The same is happening now when a lot of people are losing their jobs and are suffering. Quite a few job recruitment companies have sprouted in UAE and playing with people’s life. Desperate job seekers are the target now and it is a sad thing.
This is how some work. They place an ad in the newspaper or an online ad and set the trap. You call they tell you the location for the interview. When you go there there are many waiting like you. You are then called for the interview. In the room you are faced with 3-4 pretty girls who “Interview” you. They ask for all your details, employment status, salary, expected salary etc. Then they tell you that next week you will have to go to their office taking all the documents and start work immediately or something like that. When you tell them your salary, they tell you that even though it is recession they will be offering a good salary with all the benefits! Just imagine all the innocent people who fall for this. Then when it is over they ask you fill in a form after which they ask you to PAY around 100 Dirhams! Why would you ask money from everyone you interview for YOUR company?
A friend of mine had an incident similar to this. He asked why he should pay when job offer is for their own company. They said that that was nothing considering the fact that he was getting a good offer! After a little argument he said he didn’t have the money. So they asked how much he has. He said he had only 10 dirhams for the taxi. They said ok no problem give that. He refused and said thanks but no thanks for the offer and left.
Just imagine the countless number of people who have lost their jobs and are going to these people and getting cheated. Such people who cheat and take such advantage of others misfortunes should be put behind bars. Job seekers please be on high alert when approaching such companies.
The company my friend went to is called Al Qabas International which is located in Sharjah.
Please post incidents if you have come across any.
“Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me.” — Chinese Proverb
Its true the same happened to me last year… when i was seeking for job.. i got a call from a consultancy… they interview me and told me to fill a form and asked me to pay AED 35(Processing fee for my resume). They told i will get call when i get a good offer..
see how they got ideas to cheat innocent people…
The comapny called Al qabas Intl. in sharjah, is cheating many people every day. After the first interview they collect AED 100 from the client. then during the second interview they collect AED 300/- from the client after that they never turn up. Authorities should take serious action against these frauds.
dear mr ravoof..
wat r u tryin 2 do by making every1 a fool???..just cuz u dint have the guts 2 pass the second interview it doesnt mean that no one does. i have got a very gud job thru al qabas and i am nt regrettin the i gave that amount to them.let me ask u.. r u so stupid enuff to sign anythin b4 reading the terms and conditions???…if yes..then lets just keep this useless blog for u…cuz alot of people have got good paid jobs even in the just keep ur useless comments to urself cuz ur just misleading people.stop makin decisions for people..if they r wise enuff they wud knw wat is gud for them…and i hope u wud stop makin such comments about any1 b4 u see the real truth…thnx
Dear Naina
This is my blog and it will have my views only. My intention is to not make people believe in what I say but to think. There are a lot of cases where people are getting cheated. The above are incident which happened to others and not me. Guts for what? Anyways I haven’t been to any interview yet. You have got a good job through them, that’s good. But how many candidates failed interviews before you got your job? I am not leading or misleading anyone and I haven’t made any decisions for anyone. Prove all this wrong, put your name and number so that people can call you and find out themselves about how you got the job. Let them know the truth. All said and done, it’s better to be cautious during this time. thanks for your views.
More info.
This company is a scam, yet Gulf News Appointment has placed many job ads on behalf of them despite of many people complaining about their scam. Please dont give them 100 dhs or 150 dhs which they usually ask for, they are only making money on you.
They do not have any real jobs to offers anyone, they just make up fake interview calls and …you are never selected by the client!!..
I have live in UAE more than 20 years and have seen agencies like these steal your money by running ‘illegal’ business of charging you any kind of fees, before you visit such agencies please read this ..
“Recruitment Agencies warned against collecting fees from job-seekers
The Assistant Undersecretary at the Ministry of Labour, Humaid Bin Deemas, said that it is illegal to collect fees from jobseekers as it is against the Labour Law and agencies getting into such practices will be shut down.
Bin Deemas mentioned that charging fee from job-seekers for acting as a broker between employers and the job-seeker is considered illegal not only under the law of UAE, but also under the international law and the ministry has the right to shut down all agencies involved in such an act.
The Minister of Labour, Dr. Ali Abdullah Al Ka’abi, has expressed anger over the manner in which such recruitment agencies are operating and mentioned that any individual who has fallen as a victim to such agencies should report to the ministry immediately. As an initiative to stop such practices, the Ministry has stopped granting licenses to any new companies for two years.”
Hi Ravoof,
What you mentioned above is completely true.. Even i got cheated the same way you mentioned above. I had to give them 100 AED. I would urge Naina to give her email and Mobile number for the benefit of everyone. If she has a positive experience with Alqabas I would like to speak to her.
I think Naina works for Alqabas only.
First of all i want to thank my friend to brrought up this to the user
Becoz i am the one told my friend to write blog my bad experience with Al Qabas.They are really cheaters.
I want to ask them.
1.If you are good in recruitment service u can get right canditate. But it’s been a 1 and half month AFTER MY INTERVIEW they are posting ad for the same position till to date,WHY? if u have any doubt u can go check gulf news(4th-april edition)classified section.
Hey naina,
My friend has guts thats why he brouught up this with company name.
If u have any proof against it prove it.
its same happened to me,, i paid 100 and 300 and they gave promising words ,give good offer and etcetera!
the ministry of labor should take action on this,many people seeking for a job frustated to be employed .How ever there are cheaters who abuse this people and this is AL QABAS INTL in sharjah,,
Thank you very much kind sir for posting this on your blog. My wife was about to go there for an “interview” tomorrow. You have helped us a lot.
wahhhhhhhhhhhhh they took a total of 400 dhs frm me also. wht shud i do? is there any way i can get the money back? pls reply
I got cheated out of 400 dhs byAl Qabas intl shj. (saw their ad in Gulf News).after i paid the initial 100 dhs they called to say i got the job in Oriental Advertising in al qusais,dubai and they took 300 dhs frm me. when i asked abt the location and website of this ad company they wouldnt giv it to me.they said they will take me there themselves. they said they wud call me yestrday to fix a time but they nevr called. ive been calling them frm yestrday,they giv me sum xcuse or the other.
finally when i got mad at them,their ‘manager’ agreed to talk to me and he said i will definitely get a call frm them by saturday afternoon to go to al qabas and they will take me to this oriental frm there. still they wont giv me any details abt oriental and when i googled it i cant find a company named oriental advertising in dubai. what should i do? i’m scared to go with them if they call.god alone knows where they r gonna take me.. pls reply
Assalamu Alaikum…2day i saw an ad in Gulf for the post of Customer Service Executive. I called them, a girl (don’t wanna mention her name), she said me tat it was a consulting agency situated in Sharjah near Al Buhaira Corniche, behind KFC. The name Al Qabas Int’l. (Employement, Management & Consultancy). I’m living in Dubai. Had to hire taxi from where i live, from there a bus to Bur Dubai and from there bus to Sharjah. I had only AED45 with me, and by the time i reached Sharjah after all the fair i had only AED25 left. Then after reaching the location mentioned by the lady i called her. She said tat the office is in a building on 4th floor, room no:404. the identification she said was LANA PHARMACY building. I along with few other people reached the office. I was called for interview. She asked me about myself, expected salary. Then she said tat there will be 2 interviews. One which is going on and the next 2 days after. She said there is a vacancy in a Islamic Bank Insurance. Salary 3.5-4K. 5days job, 8 hrs per day, every year paid leave with to and fro ticket. And asked whether i’m interested. I said i’ll take the job. then she took out a booklet like form. She said me to fill it up, and pay 100 Dhs. I said i don’t have. I asked whether payment can be made through credit card. She said no. Then she gave me a no: 0508660448 and said transfer the money to this no: and she will the form. I walked out and felt something fishy. I called my bro in law. He said it was a scam. I came back home and searched the net and found tat Al Qabas Int’l was a scam. I had another incident from CORE ELEMENTS in Sheikh Zayed Road. Plz Brothers and Sisters beware of this fraudulent companies. As it is against the law to take money from the candidates by consultancies.
Hi there I need help to report Al Qabas to the ministry of Labour immediately before they cheat more people as we speak.
I am in the middle of a process with Al Qabas. Unfortunately I did not read any blogs to check out Al Qabas before I paid a AED 100, but I did that also to bring out this scam. I anyway wanted to check out what these people are talking about as my field is highly specialised and one does not just get a job by sitting and talking across the table. Usually we are tested on the job several times. But amusingly Al Qabas guys had no questions absolutely. They only knew some jargons in my field. I went to their office to check out. And they compelled me to pay AED 100 to just to fill a form. I did not but I went back deciding to understand what game is going on here. After one day as promised (supposedly) their senior manager calls me. Someone who could not speak good english. Again I could tell the person did not know anything beyond the words Visa, passport copy, photographs. They call me for a second interview at their same recruitment office, which I must say did not look hygienic. Just an office in a prestigious complex on Buheirah corniche Sharjah (behin KFC) same building as Lana Pharmacy. Flat 404- in case anyone wants to go see the illegal drama there) the office was just like a market-place.
I am supposed to go for an interview with this gentleman….finally in the call he states that I only meet him and the employers name will still be kept confidential from me. Then he says …that day I pay an assurance fee of AED 500. and then they will reveal the name of the employer. I was even more intrigued because their agreed to the salary I asked for Plus benefits…it is absolutely unheard of for such jobs being offered with whole flats for individuals and all travel covered and a visa wherever we want. I asked for a freezone visa…they immediately agreed to it as if it was available instantly like some parking ticket. Who are they kidding!
Can anyone here in the blog tell me who exactly I could meet in the ministry to report them. I am 10 years in this country and I made this investigation because especially in such troubled times it is very important to irradicate places like Al Qabas. Many other such places are there. The readers could watch the trend on Gulf News ads.
Last week I got caught with another recruitment agency advertised on Gulfnews for my specialisation…I was about to visit them I slowed down because I could not trust the haste with which they called me for an interview. I also remember over-hearing voices of very unruly people far from a professional setup. I decided not to waste time. Then when I came across Al Qabas, something made me go there to see it for myself. I know opportunities are very much limited here in the UAE for senior people like us in my specialisation, especially who have over 10 years experience. These people seem to speak to us on a highly tech. job by having no clue of the nature in which people like us get hired. They say…any years of experience we have jobs for you. This was what made me investigate further as it sounded too dicey.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
hi ravoof
ur doing a great job keep it up but there some more companies whoz doing a same coz my cousin hav a;lso a experience,the game si same as i hav 2 tell foreigner management also doing a same thingz my cousin he went to them there is a big game there u know there is a same story wat u guyz are talking but with smart person they act very powerfully how they work 1 lady taking charges maryam 100 dirham them one guy is called up for very next day called for 300 dhs and his name i think so agha and there incharge pakistani guy salman they work like a professionals so like every body think that really there is some management but as we all know they are nothing just fake so plz carry on this job and do sumthing for poor people god bless u ram
Document Controller, with experience, required
Salary not found
Document Controller, with experience, required for a shipping company in free zone. Candidates must have knowledge of computers. Call 050-1332658. Al Qabas International Employment & Management Consultancy.
Location: Dubai
Industry: Secretarial & Office
Contact: 050-1332658
i just want to know the above adv is fake or not…anyway i already spok to dat lady…but she promised me that she will chare 100 dhs. only after recruitment…god knows…anywya i cancelled ma paln
Hello people,yesterday i visited a company like this for a graphic designer job.The company was situated in buheirah corniche plaza 2.It was some foriegn Employment agency or somthin like that in 4th floor 404.The office of this company was so bad and cheap.The employee whom i had a talk to, was a female who didn’t even know how to speak english properly.She said some random crap, that you pay 100 dhs you will get the job for sure 100%…i was like,how can you give a job surety like this without even asking or forwarding my portfolio to the company.The whole place itself was so disgusting and i just didn’t feel comfortable sitting out i just left saying that i will call you later.They told me that the company was of their own group itself.In the advertisment,it was mentioned that it was an architectural company that was in need of graphic designers and now i get to know that it is some advertsing company of their group itself.If the recruitemtn company is like this,i wonder how will the advertisment company of their own group be.They also told me that thei driver will take you to sharjah free zone when they call you for the interview.Today i saw another ad in khaleej times,and this was from Al Qabas Intl.Thanks to you everyone out here for you valuable comments and experiences about such fradulent firms.
Hi everybody!I want to say thank you for all of you for posting this comment because we are helping other people not to be cheated by this people.I know i can be a big help for all of you to stop this kind of company… i know everything about them.
look people this is not agood thing to descuss about and iam ashame that educated people is talking crap here . look iam working in recruiting agencey but i tell you one thing all of u are sick mindes i will tell u why the thing that u all thinks only in dreams nothing less than that also i have reading c,v for too many people all of them puting lies in there c.v . fake expereince and fake study. people putting lies in there cv doesnt deserve ajob . sorry to say that also think what is worng is the mistake from me or recruite agencies . also many people have been selected throw of me ofcourse i have changed all there c.v so they take the job. butthe same time i didnt hear from them only complains no one of them said thank you for me to find job .
this blog and the owner of it is bull shit .
Honestly speaking, what is talked about here is not BS at all, it is true and it is a fact that the subject is pure fake and a cheat!
They place an ad on newspapers like GN and KT posting jobs that does not exist at all! then people call up the numbers on the ad, then you will get an answer like, please come in our office, our office is located in Sharjah, Al Buhaira Corniche Street etc etc.. once you’re there they will “interview” you offering this much salary with allowances and accommodation etc…then after the “interview” they will ask you to fill up a form, pay 100 dirhams for typing fees etc etc…then after a few days they will call you up and tell you to pay 300 dirhams for some reason that only they know…
they just collect CV’s and of course cash from these poor applicants. I know some people go back to get a refund but they will say that “are we working for free? we pay electricity, rent blah blah…yes, I know that they operate and they need money to keep their business moving but thier reason doesn’t justify their existence as they make a profit by cheating job seekers by collecting more than 400 Dirhams promising them jobs that doesn’t even exists!
I’ve heared that they beat these poor Pakistanis applying for driver if they ask for a refund.
this is all bull shit
i got a good job although salary is a bit less than wht they promised but I know wht ii deserve
so its crap you talking abiut it.
omg!! me and my husband went there yesterday, we actually paid 200AED for registration fee, this is actually for my sister who is in Philippines, who plans to work as caregiver for nursing homes. I spoke to this lady, her name is Mushkan, she collected 200 aed and informed us to wait for 20-25days for the updates. i never heard of scams like this in UAE…is this really true?? can somebody report this to MIn. of Labor?
Mee too lost 400 Dhs in foriegners ivestment and management consultancy in Sharajah.Please send your mobile no and email ids to me.I can coordinate those whoever wants to protest.Pls send your contact No to my email id
One south indian “Malayalam News channel” had made a report about Foreigners invstmnt and mgt consutltancy and the telecasted it.Nothing happened.Many victims informed Various medias..But in this country media is not at all powerfull.They are not dare to publish articles about this scams
assalam alaikum!
it happened to me also!last week of august in dubai!i seek job thru internet and i saw this looking for a computer operator in the gul news so i called them up then they set interview for me!when i got there one woman interviewd me ask about myslef and everthing and after those minute of chatting they told me to called me up after 2 to 3 days then bring along with the other documents they might need then they told me to pay 100 dirhams for the said online registration!and for me as ajob seeker who wanted to have a job as soon as my visa expires i rushly grab unto it!i pay the said amount and then they gave me a form of my details printed online!what a heck now that those people are not true?!they’re just wasting pepole’s time and collect money without something n return! i never heard of scams like this in UAE…is this really true?? can somebody report this to MIn. of Labor?
hii ppl…jus saw abt Al Qabas n culd nt stp myself frm tellin my bad exprience 2 u..jus beware of dis its all shitty my dhs 400/- gone dis ppl r pakis n all fake n bad..jus wanna tell 1 thng frm all my 3 months of struggle period…if u r finding a job don go in any of dis Recruitment Conseltency…jus apply in direct companies…n defntly u’l gt it if u deserve it..gud luck n regards..shehnaz
Forigner mgt ad emplyment service,buhirea cornice road cornice plaza 1,404,They all are bull s**t, #@#@%#.
Please dont go to them.
They took from me 5600 aed for visa but nothing happend
dear job seekers
please dont fall this alqabas intel emp and mgmt trap.
by God’s grace i have escaped from their trap.they have offered me also a very good package and asked 100dhs.i told them i dont have,then they said whatever money u have give.
i have told them will come back within two days with money and documents.luckly i have seen these comments.thank you.
Cheaters,we wont leave you :will inform the police.
Gulf News post every SCAM advertiser as long as they are paying. I’m sure they received many complains about their advertiser.
I just went for an interview with Al Qabas. I fell for the trap and paid AED100. The Gulf news advert says that they will not charge from candidates. However, when I got there, they told me that I have been short listed among others and have to pay 100. Can’t believe I fell for it. I guess many of us need jobs badly and are blinded to the details. Thought I’ll check them out because I felt a bit suspicious. That’s when I saw this blog. I called them back and inquired on the payment. They told me that there had been a mistake in the advert in stating that there will be no charge. I had to pay more than AED200 for a cab to get there. Why can’t someone act on this? Isn’t there anything that can be done?
I feel so stupid already falling for the same thing.I’m always surfing on the net but forgot to google about this company and today,i gave 50AED (my only pocket money) for a registration fee.I live in Jebelali Dubai so just imagine the hassle I had to go through just to reach their “office” in Sharjah.Took me 2hours to reach and find their place only to be “interviewed” for 3 minutes and be given a “Reference card number”.It only dawned on me now that everything they say about salary brackets and benefits are TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
PS. I called Ministry of Labor about this.They said it’s not their area,said I should call Dubai Police,so I did.Dubai Police advised me to post a complaint at the nearest Sharjah police station,because although Dubai residents are the victims,the incident happened in Sharjah.Although very informative,rest assured I won’t have the time to do so,especially I’m the sole caregiver of my baby.
Good for those who had a job out of this consultancy. But please have the heart to pity those who had their hopes high yet nothing happened. Please look into your wesbters as well as to what a SCAM,FRAUD and HUSTLER/HUSTLING is.Because that’s what this consultancy/agency is.
Of course it’s not about the 50 dirhams i gave to them,it’s about the hassle people like me had to go through to deal with cheats like this.
Everyone gets what they deserve.I know they will get theirs.
I also called there and the only emphsis was to come to there office, luckily it was a working day so didn’t went there. As soon as I told them that I have office and cannot come to their location the phone was shut on my face. Also the whole world is revolving around email and they denied sending me an email with the job description. Al Qabas Consulting has no business ethics and they are collecting money from candidates is against the UAE law. These companies can only take money from the employer.
Thanks Ravoof for blogging this message against such fraudlent companies.
I feel so stupid having readily taken out 100dhs just a few hours ago…as a fresher, i was told that i’d get a 3,500+acc+visa job as data entry, and if i didnt require the visa and accomodation, they’d increase 1000 dhs to the salary…
having heard of such scams before, i should’ve googled before going for the so-called interview.
But atleast im wiser now, and definatly wont pay 300-500 for the second interview,if called.
I plan to go and make a scene there, so that atleast those present would be saved from wasting their 100 dhs.
I suggest people, instead of only writting up comments here, agreeing on the same matter etc etc,ALL go to buheira police station (the closest one to the company) and report, with the proof of the reg.number in that business card they gave you.
maybe a non-uniformed police can go and pretend that they require a job, and then only will they realize.
people, it’s not about it being “only 50, only 100″…some dont see this amount so much, but hello?? we’re jobless right?every dirham we have should not be wasted!might as well throw the money in the trashbin saying oh, ill get a job…
think about how much money they make in a day…a week…a month…a year?!
lets not just talk and discuss what they did to us…let us start acting NOW!
hey people, how about a strike too? for a refund perhaps? =)
if they say they’r paying rent etc, tell them, well, we dont live on the streets (yet)…and thus we need our money back (our rights) to pay for OUR rent.
assalamualaikum ppl …. me too fell for their trap …. the manager or whoever the Ali is … bladdy …. guess hes the manager … i had a word with him regarding th e refund .. n he promised me to return atleast 200 _ out of 500) ,…. but till today hasnt … i hav been callin this company almost everyday .. they either dont pic up the fones or give a lame excuse … its really sad but these guys are fooling and takinadvantage of ppl openly .. lets just do sumthin bout it like how lubna said … not just discuss n forget bout it .. coz eveyday everymin so many of us are being victimes …
Here are some recruiting company names, they are cheating innocent people by taking money without giving job.
Foreigner employment & management service, Sharjah
NEW WAY Deira Dubai
Core element Dubai
Al Qabas
and lot more.
please dont go to them.and do not pay money
all are hell………scam, fraud … believe me
take care of ur time and money
hi ppl, thanks for posting this scam ..this incident happened with me too same procedure they have been following for every next person who comes for the interview. When i went luckily i dont have that much cash with me and hence returned by paying only 50dhs which i now think went to the drain. Our parents have earned this money and in no way should it go in the hand of such frauds. Im surely going to report this to the Ministry of Labour as well as the Sharjah Police… Along with this I will be writing to the editor of GN and KT. I hope something good happens frm the complaining. Thanks neways i have saved 350dhs which to me is very important
is it true that al qabas is a fraud agency.. actually i go to their office now only october 5 without checking their account on internet… all things happened to me they interviewed me by named vishra and asking salary expected and the likes,,.. and after that she take 100dhs for the registration… my gosh all you mentioned here are correct i think its really a fraud because many people have the same experienced in that agency…. i lost 100dhs …. search first the agency in a google site to check if the agency is legal or illegal…
All is but a fact, I even got cheated on 400 aed. We all know that they r frauds so instead of just blogging up comments about them lets just collectively make sure that this consultancy just shuts down before they could cheat anymore innocent people. So lets plan to bring up this matter to the notice of the ministry of labour & see to it that serious action is taken against them & also that they refund the money to people whoever they have cheated.
Hi All
Their Ad, the ill practice is still on. Daily there are many candidates who are being fooled. I can understand its because of the hard time people don’t search and get out there to find a job. As i write this comment, there are candidates trusting Al Qabas in finding a job.
I was about to go myself to apply but had this gut feeling to google about the company. ALhumdulillah, i know they are frauds.
Bless you Ravoof for saving many however just the blog is not enough as alot are still applying.
I got called just two days later, and they requested me to pay another 300 dhs as a assurity fee…i told them that it’s illegal to be taking money from me, the lady told me that it’s not, and when i told her ill check with labour office to confirm, she told me she’ll give me a number of someone working in ministry of labour, named Ali. she gave me a mobile number. I knew at this point that it was all just a game, and that she must have given me a number of her colleague. I called the number, and heard a Indian song played…very unprofessional, and i dont think anyone working in MOL would use a song ringtone.i hung up…she did tell me ill get my 100 dhs back, but i dont believe i would…but that doesnt mean i wont fight for my right 😉
I will be reporting to GN about this incident, and also provide this website so that they publish an article, if possible…it’s not fair for people to suffer…for some, it’s their last 100 dhs that they handed out…
Update :After posting the above post, I called up Al Qabas Int’l on one of the three numbers that they gave me…I was asked to call the 2nd number, but it was busy throughout..I called the third, no answer. So I called again the first number, and I immediatly started my complaint…they gave me another person to talk to…as soon as he heard what i was trying to say, he asked my name and hurriedly said that he’d call me back, and hung up(on my face)…
so I called up Buheira Police Station to file a complaint(06-5564555)and it seems yesterday someone else went to complain about the same company to the police station.(I’m really happy!) hope some good comes out from all this. They took my mobile number and said that they’ll give me a call back.
The reason ive posted the police number is for people to atleast call to file complaints…the more, the better.
I was not able to give them this website at the time i called them, maybe some one could tell them that there is a blog that just shows a tiny percentage of many people that are falling into the trap
I just googled this one online about a company/site called – Jobs in Dubai Inc, or
If what’s written is said to be true, then people be very cautious. With our expenses ever increasing, please know what you are getting into. Always call a friend if you have any doubts.
As mentioned by Lubna – contact the MOL or call/report any suspicious activity to the nearest police station.
– To file a complaint to Buheira Police Station: 06-5564555.
Above mentioned are fact, I even got cheated on 400 aed. I was called for an interview after so many followups.
It was a strange incident that I gone here for interview that client was making interview over there itself.
Only one man was there for interviewing for the post of HR Manager, HR Executive, Crane Operator, IT Professional,Customer care executive. I think they have hired someone for playing this drama. When I asked about this, they are some bull shit excuses. When I was trying to discuss these things with the people who were came there for the interview, they called me inside and let me sit inside so that I will stop discussing these points with the people who where going to cheat.
I request the people who are going to these agencies make sure that they have given atleast job for some people.
I was cheated by Al Qabas international Management Consultancy, located in Sharjah.
Anyhow my money has gone. let this blog make help for someone who can save their money and time.
Same Here, i had applied for My Cousins Job who are back Home in India. they charge Me 200Dhs per application. i paid n my friend went to do the necessary documentation work, they also took his thumb impression and told this is for security purpose in case We issue the Visa & the people fail to come He has to pay some 5000/- Dhs fine for this Process. well anywayzz i am still calling them for updates but they cant finalise till date about this application. concerned Lady Ms Muskaan Ms Bushra are worst in thier Job. Mr Ali handles their Foriegn Empl. i cant say they are cheat but i can We all got fooled by our own stupid mind.
AL QABBAS INTL 06-5752772/773/771
WAKE UP UAE POLICE n ACT ON THIS…. HELP THE CITIZEN TO PROTECT THEM. I am working in good company n inshaallah i have some people known in Police i would now try to make some motion against this sick AL QABBAS
Dear guys,
Assalamu Alaikum..all the above said are true..last march myself and my brother was in search of jobs in 2 different fields..we are supposed to pay 100 dhs and they called us back after 2 days..the client interview is going on in the top floor and again we are asked to pay 200 dhs each..only my brother paid and we are waiting for our was lunch break and we went to KFC near that building..the interviewer was there having his lunch..the guys nearby said that he was the man who interviewed us..then we discussed and came to know that he was the man who was interviewing for all the jobs(drivers,graphics designers,IT pro and even house maid)..
so guys beware..its a scam
al qabas,core element(high tech fraud),foreigners,new way,new future are on the same list..
if any of our guys know how shall we contact MOL for complaints..
we can provide these complaint shown above as a proof
moreover the lady named Niana who already posted a text here is working right now there..
AL QABBAS INTL is operated by people who are well organised in cheating or fooling people. the Lady Muskaan She is the First of the Cheats 050-1268633 Ms Bushra 050-5995774 Mr Ali is th lead in Overseas Employee 06-5752772 and all these well Employed in the Company whose Director is Mr Shabbir 06-5751437. so Please drop your vaulable comments on these Number if you people really Care for others for not getting fooled. inofrm these People they are being watched & soon they will be handled with Lot of Care by some People. anyone residing in the Area Nearby to them Please post their photos also so that their society image also gets like them.. thrash
Dear people……
i know Wht the pain u guyz r going through.Thanks God i havnt been throgh this cheaters but i really know a lot more deep about them…..whtever is happening is the falut of that comp and its owner which is a lady who is egpytion and and her right hand MR ALI SHABIR the manager and the left hand her own brother SAMI an accountant.surelyi keep u guyz updated……BE AWARE…..
I totally agree on the above posts mentioned by few of the desperate job seekers. I too was happy when I had received the call for an interview, but when asked to pay AED 150/- was a bit perplexed. Since they threw a positive approach on me, I went into an agreement with them.
I curse the day when I had paid them the amount. This was absoutely stupid. They opened my account with them and told me that when they would forward my CV to them they will send me a mail. I was assured that my CV would be sent the very same day. Till date I receive no response. I was interviewd by lady Sebastian. I am unable to reach her on the phone. They do not answer any calls. Oh yes and the call centre agents talk with a great Brit accent. Utterly rubbish accent (put on) and not polite and helpful . They slam the phone on your face. They keep you on hold and tell that will transfer the line, but after 1.30 minutes they slam the phone without giving any reasons. They would be having a caller ID so if you try to call them again, they do not respond to the call.
PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT INVEST / WASTE YOUR MONEY IN THIS AGENCY. It is a pure SCAM and trying to squeese poor job seekers pockets with AED 150/-.
Please note they do not place their advertisement with their agency. Please do not post your resume to _____ @ dxbservice . com
Choice is ultimately yours.
First of all,I would thank u each and everyone by posting their valuable comments. Even i`am cheated by paying 400 AED Al Qabas Intl Sharajah. i applied for a post of Document controller and spoke to one lady named Nisha,who can`t even speak english and asked me to come over there for an interview. Once i entered the office it stinks with the cigratte smell ,disgusting and happen to meet Sheikh, Buhera and Nisha. Made me to pay 100 AED for application and would receive a call after 2 days from Imran. I received a call and asked me to come with my certificates,4 passport size photographs and 300 AED. With all excited i went and paid him coz im in a real pain staying in Dubai for 2 years couldnot get a job till now. Imran said that my cv was very impressive and defntly will be placed in an IT company and handover me a small receipt for paying 300AED which said “NOT Refundable” . i didnt even know that am being fooled and they are stealing my money without my knowledge. He also said the i will receive a call from JOY – 065741342, filipno chick with in 4 days. I was awaiting for her call but !!!!!!??? . Finally i called up and the number was continuosly busy… even now. Whenever i call up Joy didnt turn up instead of her… a lady named Lisa answered my call… But till now no response.. Did any1 of you receieved your 400AED back? Please tel me……………… Its totally a bad company sucking poor job seekers blood money. Manager named Khalieda is not good. I am cursing them everyday….. they have to deserve a severe punishment……………… please file a case of these people.
As much as i do remember (Al Zageera magt cont) in al buhaira cornice has started to chit job seekers with 100 bucks and after that too many fraud agency came out and 1000’s of plp has been victimize by thise agencies.
Another victim.! The company chaged their name as Al Ayadi Al Mehra beware ! It’s a Pakistani mangement company
I saw one advertisement in the newspaper for my wife: Call centre agents are required where it was mentioned that no charges will be taken from the candidates. But all was fake and these robbers demanded AED. 100 for file opening charges. Recruiting agency name Al Ayadi Al Mehra, the same as other victim has mentioned. After two days we received a call requesting to visit the office to meet the employer and to submit AED. 300 as interview fee, which is ridiculous in Sharjah state of UAE. It is requested to Sharjah Police to take action against them. Phone# of this agency is 06-5752773 & other extensions. It is too much. One of the partner is Local Emirati who is supporting them to do frauds, how ridiculous it is that one Local guy is ruining his own country image. Bushra, Muskan, Ali etc. are robbers available there in this recruiting company, please be aware. This local guy told that he is setting up another company so he will not be available all the time.
Dear PPl…..
i hope you all are aware of the Al Qabas Int’ll has changed their agence name as Al Yadi AL mehra as it is a labbour supply and cleaning LLC which owned by the same lady egpytion Lady HANNA and she is notan local but she is having links in police station…… in that way its easy for her to do all this …….and ONE MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ……NEXT FUTURE MAGNT CONSULTANCY is her son’s agence in dubai FOREIGNER MGNT CONSULANTCY in CORNICH PLAZA 1 OR 2 is her husband’s agency ANd yadi al mehra is for her husband but its a cleaning llc so they give adds on that bases that if something big legally comes on them so they can show that and few weeks back their dubai agency which is NEW FUTURE who celled by the crops and all their staff and even her son was in jail and through her and her’s husband links he got out on bail and again it started working and all their staff have visa from yadi al mehra it self……..BYe for now take gud care of yourself and BE AWARE……
Guys pls b careful of Al Qabas name Changed to “Al Yadi AL mehra“” . Alisha is the fraud, Joy,Nisha,Imran, Bushera, Shekid and Khaleid… u pple are bas****s cheating poor pple..
u pple suck…… and f$#@^n b%$#@^& long u r gonna cheat pple like us?
JUST count ur bloody days….u f%$@$s..
hi!! people can anybody tell me these 1) Al nejoom alteesah mangt. consultancy and 2) al risalah mgmt. consultancy are fake or are they genuine one who recruit people. Because after reading these comments i am afraid to visit these consultancies.please brothers and sisters help me.I am in a urgent need of a job.
I also had a similar experience..i already got cheated by Al Qabas Intl 5 months b4..after giving 400 dhs,they didnt contact me..when i saw the ad of Al Aidy A Mahira consultancy in the papers,i phoned them and asked whether there is any registration charges..they replied me a bit harshly “NO…CANT U SEE IN THE PAPER..ITS WRITTEN NO CHARGES FROM CANDIDATES” i went 2 that consultancy with my CV..i was sooo surprised to see the same set of people in Al Qabas Intl working here…1 lady started asking me about my requirments and after hearing everything she told that there is a company that is matching to all my requirments and she gave me a registration form 2 fill up and asked for a 100dhs fees..the reg form was the same model of which i filled from al qabas..only the color has changed from yellow to blue…i asked her whether they have any other consultancy called al qabas intl..then her face changed and the way of talking also changed..she was asking who told u all these..y u r asking this question and all…i didnt give the money and came back…their office is in such a good building and with excellent interior work..its all because they got lots and lots of money..(400 DHS EACH FROM THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE)…every one please be careful..dont get cheated..someone please complaint about them to police…
please dont go to al nejoom al teesah consultancy.they r also cheating..they take 100 dhs from us and will not contact after that..
Today I saw a vacancy for project manager-‘assistant manager,fresh & experienced required for a big reputed company in Dubai and AbuDhabi’in khaleejtimes.And they provided a phone number.I just search the phonenumber in google inorder to find out the company name. I was surprised to see this blog.Thanks for posting this blog.I am a fresher graduate. There are lots of scams like this in UAE.
Foreign employment & mang. consltcy
Al reseela…
Why authorities are not taking action against these frauds?
Hi Guys,
Dont know whether this is a new technique from Al Aidy Al Mahirah. They called me 2 weeks back for interview with a company called Al-Bakri.I had some arguments with the guy who called.Anyway, today they called me again saying that I have to go to their office tomorrow at 10:20pm for Interview with the same company for the same post.
I am not sure what I should do this time, although I dont have any doubt of them being crooks.Any comment?suggestions?
Thank You. I told them about their malpractices that I read in this website and also experienced myself.
I got choona of 600AED and now I may be having an interview with a fake company bakri to become a bakri….again!!!!!
asalamu alaikum hi i have applied for that foriegn employment managment consultancy in corniche plaza sharjah but in 4th floor room no 403 ,there a person named hemed consultant he got money of rs 100 and 300 aed . name of company named wafidum and al butheen .can we beleive this .please anybody tell within today
Me too paid 600 to Al Qabas Int. Sharjah, Buhairah Corniche. Person names Rehman, Miss Kiran and some arabi speaking people. They interviewed me and collected 100 for registration, later on said my job is confirmed and I pay them 500 more. I paid 500 dirhams, but after then no response from them.
Again I paid 150 dirhams to Core elements on Shaikh Zayed Road, but also proved fraud people. Beware of those companies and report to Police if they swindle money from you.
this core elements is s $#@%! cheating company in dubai . don’t attend any calls from core elements. if somebody call you, $@%! them. i am not cheated from this bullshit company. i got a call but from their sweet words i came to know and saw the web they are #@$!ing scam. friends please complaints to dubai economics dept: 04-3141555
A consultancy in Sharjah named Dubai Gate Mgmt. Consultancy is cheating people by offering job openings in various IT positions. I had an experince from this counsultancy, they called me one day for interview, and asked me to pay 100 AED, they told me it will be refundable, within three days if I shouldn’t get a call from the in Internet city, I waited for three days, one day one person from this consultancy called me and asked me to pay 300 AED, I came their and asked for my 100 AED, they very harshly behaved to me, even they raised their hand upon me……its too dangerous…..don’t go thier
Dear All,
The company named “Al Aidy Al Mahirah” is a fraud company. It is in Room No.301 (C Block), 3rd Floor, Dubai Islamic Bank Building, Opp. King Faisal Masjid, Sharjah. We paid AED 100 and interacted with them. We recorded each and every conversation (direct and telephone) with them using electronic recording equipment. We even managed to video record the way they sent the “victims” for “conducted interview trips”. They are cheating thousands of people by first taking AED 100 for registration and then AED 300 for documentation. They refuse to return AED 100 even after repeated requests and reminders of the consequences. So they are professionals in the business of cheating and deserves tough action. But one thing really interests me – How are they able do this fraud business publically in Sharjah? They put their advertisements in Gulf News, they have a good office in a decent building…! Why Sharjah Police is not responding even after repeated complaints from the victims? Please click the below given link for details:
So now you understand why! Well, lets respond to this. Lets act together. If somebody needs the full details of the fraud they are doing, please email us on I am happy to send you the audio recording of their “Fraud Call” asking for AED 300. We are preparing all the data now and it may take a day or two to arrange it fully. There is going to be a heavy email campaign against this fraud soon. Its the duty of every self respecing human being to spread this news by all means so that hundreds of innocent victims can be saved from this kind of trap.
But the sad fact is that the authorities in Sharjah is not responding to this. If they really want to shut these fraudsters down they can very well send some of their personell in disguise acting as job seekers. Something is fishy, I feel.
This reminds me of the looters who appeared soon after a violent earth quake hit Haiti. The Financial Crisis is boiling in this part of the world and people are running here and there for a job. These fraud agencies use this situation to loot innocent desperate people.
I feel sick. Lets act together.
Jose. You have done a splendid job. Please do provide the audio/video so that we can post in this blog. I am sure it would help many future job seekers. Thanks.
dear all,
hi to all of you.. first of all i want to share my personal story through this scam agencies. when im new here in this country, im one of those innocent people whose looking for a job. everyday i never get tired of sending my cv to different companies [its so bad that these company will not call u due to recession] and searching to gulfnews newspaper. im looking for a any job that suits my college degree, anyway this advertisement caught my attention it says that they need a Secretary/receptionist for one company which is located in bur dubai. so i called the number that is shown in the newspaper [coz im desperate to have a job and my visa will expire within 2 weeks] anyway.. they said to me that they actually looking for that position and they need urgently , so i didnt hesitate, on the next day i go to FOREIGNER’S CONSULTANCY in sharjah, al buhaira.. well i can say that theres a lot of people who’s going there everyday, after my observation she interviewed me and she tell me many good things, like high salary, good benefits and many more, so i was caught to their promises, after which they give me a paper and asking me to sign it, after i signed she ask me to pay for 100 dhs. and i was shocked.. i ask her why, she said this is for registration.. i told her that i dont have 100 dhs.. all i have is 70 dhs. for the whole day. and she said its ok , i tell her if i give it all to you i dont have money for transportation and i was shocked when she said its ok if you give me 50 dhs.. in my head i was like “oh my god” and then she told me after 2 days we will call u for another interview, which they really call me after two days.. when i got there they are asking me for 300 dhs. for the proccessing of my documents blah, blah, blah.. i tell them i dont have money and i didnt pay them.. they send me through another room and their was this stupid lady who tell me if its ok if will be a nanny for only a part time job, i make fight her actually, i tell her how stupid she is and why they ask you pay that amount of money if only you will be a nanny.. they are stupid people and worse than monsters..
and also guys the 3 agency, AL AIDY AL MAHIRA, AL QABAS, FOREIGNERS CONSULTANCY they said that it is controlled by the police thats why eventhought a lot of people is complaining about that agencies no action has been made. and i know the owner of that three agency his last name is al bakri and he’s a syrian.. hes continuing until now his dirty business along and even worse he will said that he is hiring for his company the AL BAKRI GROUP OF COMPANIES which is a lie, theres no such thing as that..
I’m a reporter for The National newspaper. Anyone who has had dealings with Core Elements, New Future, or Foreigners please get in touch with me urgently on 0501094761 or
Nice to see you here Mr. Loveday. Finally someone noticed! A lot of job seekers are suffering and it’s time something is done. Thank you for your interest and let us hope something positive happens.
Dear Brothers and Sisters
I agree that there is a racket. Lovely ambience, Pretty girls. I experienced this in CORE ELEMENTS. I lost AED 150
Hi everyone, well it is in fact a good thing that i stumbled across this weblog, even though i was convinced just a few hours before i got on this site. day before yesterday i went to foreigners recruitment agency, after seeing an ad for counter staff for four star hotel, just below the ad it said, candidate will not be charged, when i went for the interview that same day (how convenient), i saw a bunch of aunties sitting on tables with at least 5 mobiles on their desks, so i thought ok this might be the place. so as i sat the woman started blurting out the job benefits and salary packages, as if it was her own company. i even asked the name of the company, and they said al wafidoon or something,it is a new company. anyways after i heard all the tempting offers, i was told to pay, 100 for file opening charges. i told them that their ad said candidate will not be charged and she said that is for the visa transfer. so ok i gave the 100 and got a call next day from this guy saying that my selection has been made just like that, and i need to bring 300 dhs with me. so i went there today, looking sharp ready for my interview, and the guy said, i need to pay 300 security deposit, which i will get back in a week, while he was talking to me i saw the receipt booklet and it had a nonrefundable stamp on it. so i asked this guy today, which hotel did i get selected by, he said royal ascot in bur dubai, which is not new as i have been seeing that hotel since i was in school. anyways i told him i will visit again with my dad to figure out this 300 dhs issue, he struggled but agreed to meet us tomorrow. so i come home and ring up royal ascot and speak to their HR department and they said there is no vacancy and they are not dealing with any recruitment agency. that’s what convinced me and then i found this site, which helped me more. so yea, i want to protest against these companies too, as i have told my friends and family that i got a job and this is what happened. i definitely want my 100dhs back now, im sorry for the ppl who lost more than that, but i think we have to do something about this. my no. is 0506749984, i will be going there tomorrow probably. anyone want to join to get their money back?
Here is an article by Loveday Morris in The National newspaper.
He should have linked to this blog so that readers could find out what is happening.
Anyway thank you for this article. Hope people dont get trapped in such kind of ‘agents’.
Wishing all of you job seekers get good jobs soon. Don’t loose hope.
[…] […]
My cousin also trapped in 2 of these kind of agencies. They will put in the advertisement that it is free for candidate. But for first interview they will charge Dhs.100/-. 2nd interview they will charge Dhs. 300/- They are telling the first Dhs. 100 is the processing fee for the candidate. and the 2nd Dhs. 300/- is the deposit which you can take it back. Some how we managed to take back the Dhs. 300/- in two trips.
Actual I wornder why authorities are not taking action against these kinds of agencies.
Dear all,
Thank you so much for the information you post here and is very useful for me to save AED 300 (as they already taken AED 100 from me). Here media is always an eye candy and will not dare to bring out such things on TV screens….. And Ministry sits on one corner and writes sacred laws everyday. I wonder to whom these laws are applicable….. Fraud companies like these have a prime time to play with us, the reason is recession….Any job aspirant would fall pray and would not care for money they ask that moment….. We should focus our thinking on “WHY MINISTRY IS NOT WIPING OUT SUCH COMPANIES…???” They can do it….!!!! but are not doing it. Why…??? When Crime is so available in front of you….. Why Ministry is ignorant…..???? Does it want some more time…… the more Ministry takes time to bust them…..Its gonna be a sweet time for fraudulent companies. Decision is your’s “Dear Minister of Labour”….. Above mentioned Consulting companies by my friends are going to be richer than you….. One shot-400….catch them before 1PM everyday.
Dear All,
All this mentioned regarding the Al Qabas Interntainal in Sharjah is true. They are cheating and making fool the poor people. During the first interview they take AED 100 from me. Then during the second interview they collected AED 300 from me and after that they never turned up. I just want to ask everybody can’t we take action on such fraud companies to save poor people.
Please advise us.
hi for me also
Thank you so much for the information you post here and is very useful for me to save AED 300 (as they already taken AED 100 from me) Which i had saved money for my son leg operation on which i swer to allaha if i get a chace i will kill each and every one who is working for the company . this people are children of FIRON.Here media is always an eye candy and will not dare to bring out such things on TV screens….. And Ministry sits on one corner and writes sacred laws everyday. I wonder to whom these laws are applicable….. Fraud companies like these have a prime time to play with us, the reason is recession….Any job aspirant would fall pray and would not care for money they ask that moment….. We should focus our thinking on “WHY MINISTRY IS NOT WIPING OUT SUCH COMPANIES…???” They can do it….!!!! but are not doing it. Why…??? When Crime is so available in front of you….. Why Ministry is ignorant…..???? Does it want some more time…… the more Ministry takes time to bust them…..Its gonna be a sweet time for fraudulent companies. Decision is your’s “Dear Minister of Labour”….. Above mentioned Consulting companies by my friends are going to be richer than you….. One shot-400….catch them before 1PM everyday
Hi all..
Well al aidy al mahirah is number cheating..
Especially the person which the name is SAMY MAKARIM IBRAHIM.
Medicines everyday, something wrong with him?
Hope all ur sickness ll take u to hell soon.
Allah bless u samy.m
Dubai Gate- Management consultancy & Employment services. (PO BOX 21748, Sharjah. TEL – 06 554 9663 / 06 554 9662)
This is a fraud job agency in sharjah. They advertise in the Gulf News saying that they don’t charge anything but when you go there they will ask for a one time payment of AED200. Later on they will call you and say your job is conformed and charge you AED400 (this depend on person to person) but they will not give you the company details and say you can start the job from next week. Later on they will just send you to stupid places for interviews till you get tied of it and all the receipts will be stamped saying that it is not refundable but they say verbally that they can refund it. When you say that you don’t wont a job but you wont your money back they say it is a company policy not to return the money.
Unfortunately I was a victim of this company in sharjah. Most of us who come here are desperate for a job so be careful, there are people like this that will take advantage of you.
Me too a vitim of these consultancies…
I had interacted with AL AIDY AL MAHIRAH EMPLOYMENT & MGM and AL WASEELA REQUIREMENTS & MGMT CONS. These are very big group in Shajah. I am sure when UAE police is so serious about their country Image, they are also involved with this group and sharing our money ( This is pure Haraam). I dont want to ask my money back, but Insha Allah, I have faith on ALLAH , that ALLAh will wil take responsibility of my hard earned money. May Allah show them a right way to leave this business and faith on aaqirah. If I need to take money , Insha Allah i will take their hasanah on Aaqirah from them or they will take my sins from my account.
But “For sure you will not get your money back” if you fight for that then you will face UAE police
Dear All UAE Job seekers
Pls note that there are lots of Employment agency are located at Dubai and all of are fake. One ad has given in Gulf news for vacancy of job. So i have given a call. and they have called me. They have taken interview and taken 400Dh registration fees. Then they told that you will get a call for next technical round. They have called for technical interview. They have asked technical questions and all those HR interviews. Finally they told me u have selected. As per the company terms u need to pay 400 dhs for confirmation the job. This is the british company and salary should be 7500 dhs, HRA 1800 Dhs and extra benefits. After 2 days you will give a call, so u need to pay 400 dhs. After joining ur amt will be refundable. But i didnt get a call from them. Pls beware of all those fraudes. Dont give any payment to any consultancy. My consultancy name is Dubai Gate of Management Consultancy. Name is Miss Noor-Mob-0566357382, Place-Near Millenium Hotel, Buraiah cornish, upstair of Carrefor express, flat no 210.
Shafat Khan
IT Coordinator
Actually,I don’t know where to start. I heared the explaination from all this consultancy company face by face,to mention Al Resala,now joined with foreigners Employment Mgt.& consultancy since the people round the clock encharge is just one.Core elements in dubai,Al Aidy,New Future,Al bakri. There reason for your money is for service like typing and helping you make your cv presentable to get a job,for the transpo where you’ll be taken to but say along with 10 or bunch of same poor jobseekers like you.It’s like a contest.whoever taken be lucky.But let say out of 10 person which is equavalent to 5000 dhs they got,only one person will be lucky or let’s say not even one.It’s true also that It’s just a waste of time,money and hope for those who are struggling to pay there own expenses for the sake of gettin’ a job. So sad to be fooled. Core elements: they are giving those agents a good briefing a sheet of paper to memorize especially if you’re just new to the job or under enterview for call center agents as a practice and will be calling to those hopeless jobseekers.Some call center agents really don’t know what there are doing.If you are working in the said company, you will feel the point that you’re not doing anything wrong aside from helping people and for the point of giving them in return.But for some instance,it’s like squeezing the pocket of those who are desperate in getting a job and waste money for nothing.As an observant,it hurts too much to see one man came from far place to reach in Sharjah with a napsack full of coins to make a whole of 300 hds which actually is his earning for a year,as the company obliged him to pay or get no job. Much better check direct company always instead of putting your faith to a consultancy.Beware and dont rush each time you see consultancy or Management just for the sake of fast job because those people also will benefits for the sake of money to those who need money.that’s the relationship of Consultancy/ employeers/jobseekers. I really don’t get the point as promise from consultancy to offer jobs to those in need and help them prosper in life since it’s totally obvious that fooling,slashing wallets and stupidity is happening right in front of every human.To get a job, check the company first either Consultancy or Mangement,means you have to stop yourself from comin’ in. Go for direct employment instead.
the same thing happened to me too the last month………….these f#$@##s will not earn a penny in their life ………this ma curse for such fake companies……… how cud they think of doin dis,,,,,, without even thinking that they too were once unemployed……..these people have to be arrested for such a crime…………all slang words i cud use is less for them ……….
Hi Guys,
Actually I am also a victim of this fraud with Al Aidy Al Mahirah ..I have already wested my AED 200 and I am sure nothing is going to happen in this case.
Is there any body who wants to join me for the visit for the refund ?
Please drop me a line at P1247@OVI.COM
This has just happened with me today.
Finally someone has noticed. Please read the Gulf News story published today!
I hope things change from no on.
Report such companies to 800-665
Hi, I am Indian and had a very bad experience with this Loyal Gifts and Design Company which is situated in Al Attar Center Building in Karama. I was hired as marketing and driver and agreed for the salary and compensation of 5000 AED plus comission. After working for more than one month, the owner Biju from Kerala said that business is closing and they gave me a check amounting to 3000 only. after depositing it, i found out that it has no fund at all.
This happens to one of my previous colleague in that company also, she worked as marketing executive and was promised to give salary. after one month they never give salary and cheated the poor lady by telling lies to all the company that she opened. she got all good and big compaies and they ruin her life by telling lies to these clients.
I also found out that this LOYAL GIFTS AND DESIGN company is hiring people from time to time and after 1 month they tell the employees that they will close due to crisis, this is their way of not giving salary to all staff. With the help of their secretary PRIYA SHREEKUMAR from they are cheating people almost everyday.
If anybody received a call from this advertising company, please do not deal with them. They are getting money from clients only and after that they will not give support. Please beware of this guys for they are really a shame to our fellowman from India.
Dear friends,
This happened even to me.Saw the ad in Gulf news.
Customer Service (Any Nationality)
Salary not found
A reputed fashion magazine industry in DMC needs a professional candidate. Candidates should be fluent in English. Attractive salary package.
Location: Dubai
Industry: Sales & Marketing
Contact: 00971-50-1165327
When i called they said the interview is going on urgently
and asked me to come to Dubai islamic bank buldng,3rd floor,Block c.However when i went there the atmosphere was not good.I met that lady.She asked me some general questions and sd the job is confirmed and i need to pay 100 dhs.However i sd i need to check with my family and later refused to pay.
Im not sure y this is happening in this country.I also saw some innocent people paying money…
There is a consultancy named Al WASEELA in Buheira Corniche, Sharjah behind KFC and Hardees. LANA pharmacy builduing, flat # 104. They have adevertised in GULF NEWS on 25th November 2010 for the post of staff nurse. That lady’s mobile no is 050 – 9573231. I am sure that it is a fake recruitment agency. Please beware of this scam.
Hi Everyone,
I’ve called many companies in the past few days, and guess what..90% of them are related to the same company which I don’t know the name of it, but all I know is that they are located in Buheira Corniche, Millennium hotel. They use different numbers. Anyway from now on am not gonna call any company that posts a mobile number. Real companies or even recruitment companies they don’t use mobile numbers.
Best regards,
I reached this blog after googling a doughty mobile no(Contact: 00971-50-1165327) seen in Gulf news several times seeking applications for various jobs.
Hit967fm radio had a discussion on these kind of cheating and being aware of this I didn’t go to their office(which is similar as discussed in many comments above) for discussion.
If we see the period of discussion of this issue,surprisingly it is more than two years and they still cheat people in the same location with same nos.
100 or 400 may be a small cheating in UAE where Millions are the amount in many other cases. 🙂
If we simply calculate, at least 3000 per day X 700 Days will equal AED.2100000.00(more than 2 million Dirhams).
I strongly believe the people who are supposed to protect the people from such cheaters are hand in hand with them.
I have many such experiences in the past.
Better keep away from them…advice as much as people you know.
There is a company right now trying to flee from sharjah, its DORA General Trading, Guys take hold of him, try to convince him you are supplying and dont ever leave these bastards, they are offering 60 days fraud PDC to customers.
Yes Thank you guys,
I hv been cheated recently for 100 AED, but I didn’t paid the next amount they were asking. 300 AED.
I don’t know what authorities are doing. This Fraud is being carried out right under their nose….
Hi Ahmed,
This is your comment about DORA Genaral TRADING LLC.If its about the same company, please prodvide me more details.I am planning to supply some products put will be keeping on hold after your comments.They offered me to give me 15days PDC.Please if possible call me on 0509037512 or email me ur number.
Thank You much.
just 7 days back they purchased fabric,value 100000,dhs,give post dated cheque,no money and goods desappear,the man run away,,,,my no,,042895678,0506226511,,
Hire Right?? does anyone know this company or history about it Please let me know
i am planning to go for an interview on thursday..but i have read all the messages here,but i was dismayed because the mentioned address is the same with the one i islamic bank bldg 301 block c. Now i know their shit game!thanks for all your blogs,.i will not go on thu!
Same incident happened to me and other twelve friends of mine. This employment agency is Dubai Gate, 2nd Floor carrefour express, sharjah. This agency even worst they get the candidate to pay 800aed. but they will never get the job for thm until the visiting visa expires. and they go bck to their country. So please be alert do not trust this agency at all. most of the agency are fake in Dubai. There is no more job opportunities anymore as what has been claimed by most of the employment agencies.
Dear All,
After I took a time to read all your comments, I am really disappointed that up to now 2 years later this kind of think stills happening!!!
My friend and I went to the same place as mentioned (Lana Pharmacy, KFC, Hardees,…) yesterday, but guess what??? They have moved in 104 under a new name AL ASDIQA, a lady called Prea mob nr 0502956165 told as to pay 250 aed each but we told her that we do not have enough money and she asked how much we have and we said only 200 aed!! She took the 200 and said to bring the balance for Thursday when we will come to go to start our new job!!!
At the same time we were supposed to go for an other appointment as we were in the same area, we called a lady under the name of Fatima mob nr 0502370993 she gave us location and guess where was it? FOREGNEIRS!!! New Medical Center in the Cornich Plaza 1. As mentioned above, the environment was not good at all compare to the previous one!!! And but this was the TOTAL!! She has explained to us (with her stupidity) all the benefits that for a cosmetic shop 2 days off Friday and Saturday (which shows that it cannot be true) is just the same things they have memorized to explain to the poor candidates they need to take their money. Do you know how much did she ask?? 500 each!!! We just told her we are going to come back tomorrow with the money! And when reached home I have checked and saw the blog!!!
I just need to know!!! What the police is doing??? If they have received many complaints and the companies are keep runing by changing every time the name! I am talking about AL QABAS which came AL YADI AL MEHRA and now AL ASDIQA!!!
But one think which is strange how come this FOREIGNERS… under the same name stills there without any action from the Ministry Of Labor or the Authority???
I want just to contribute by helping many people who are going to be the future victims of this kind of companies!!!
Golden Eagle Group in Green Community DIP in European Business Centre, 3rd floor, office No. 330 is a fraud company. They have partners who does the work of DU in the name of TIA group. At the end of every month they hire a new person for Admin. Assistant who is very innocent. They offer a package of 3000/- AED inclusive all. They keep you on trial basis for 2 / 3 weeks and at the end of the month after the monthly reports are prepared, they say that you are not fit in admin. and have to leave without payment.
This happened to one of my previous colleague in that company. She was on husband visa and worked for nearly one month. The Manager Mrs. Shabnam (Iranian) told her to terminate her services because she is not up to their expectation level and come to collect her salary next day from Mrs. Soha Adul J. who runs the company. My friend came the next day. They made her to wait for almost one hour and then said they will not pay her as her work was not satisfactory and was on trial basis. She was very shocked to hear this and was in tears but they did not care. They did not even allow her to speak.
I was also kept on trial basis by this company for the same post, although for the interview they did not mention it. I worked for 4 days and when I came to know this the next minute I got up from my sit and started my way home.
So my dear friends, beware of this company in Green Community, they work for “du” giving the building / Towers the mobile coverage. It is run in the name of TIA GROUP by Mrs. Soba Adul Jalil (Labanese), interview is taken by the manager Mrs. Shabnam (Iranian)
Thanks v much for starting this fab blog!! I almost got tricked into visiting Al Mahirah Group of companies who advertised in dubizzle and I responded with great enthusiasm. Fortunately I immediately smelt something fishy as
1- Extremely poor communication skills of the person on phone number- 0554781735 a lady called Noor.
2- very attractive package including transport.
3- walk in interview happening today itself (no time to think strategy)
4- hotel in Karama or burdubai job… hmmm…
5- I GOOGLED OUT “AL MAHIRA” and came across this massive campaign! Yes! same location- come to Dubai Islamic Bank Building, Sharjah and ring me- I will let you know…?
Goodness, I called her again to confirm any registeration fee, she says “yes”! Before disconnecting I challenged her why take fee and isnt it against the law? She replies if you dont get through, after second interview we will return the money.. HMMMM.. a bit odd
But Good Luck all and always google and investigate first!
I feel extremely sorry for the “innocent” & “vunerable” who have nt been fortunate enough to enquire first and have fallen victims to such scams!?
Surprising this blog seems to have started 2 years ago and fraud is still happening in broad daylight?
If the law hasn’t enacted yet I’m sure the Media is a great tool! Well done guys who have shed light on this topic and awakened many like me !!
Good to know you read this blog before you went, Rohit. I do hope this helps many from getting conned. All the best for your job search.
my wife was about to attend an interview tomorrow for Customer service officer advertisement seen in Room no 104, Nana pharmacy building, besides KFC Building..a lady called Mona piked the call..sounded just thot wud browse and see..thanks for your comments…yu guys saved us..i strongly believe some locals from Sharjah also accompanies these guys and that’s the reason they are still surviving here n no police complaint wud make a difference ..beware of these guys..“Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me.” — Chinese Proverb
I was a victim also i have given them a total of five hundred dirhams promise for a job. but it ends to nothing, until now they are still continue to cheat innocent people.they are using to many numbers, so to all people out there beware of these illegal recruiter. Foreigner management and consultancy.
I too had got a call from this recruitment service but luckily i didn’t went. yeah! i had once gone to give interview in “CORE ELEMENT” but there was no appropriate HR instead they were the one to take my interview. There was one indian girl who took my interview. She asked me about my experience and later she assured me getting job in free zone in IT sector, then she took out one form asked me to pay 300 dhs. Mai god, i havn’t carried money that time so i simply told her that i will come back a week later but never went back.
I too had same experience from Al Aidy al Mahirah, where i paid 200dhs . Also similer experince from Dubai Gate carrefor exp. building room 210, and foreigners recruitment co. in Sharjah Bhuhairah new Medical center building Romm 304. Likely I did not pay at these 2 Companies. When we see the adv.and call them they wont tell the company name. Thy just tell to come to the office so you dont google in . If they are doing it for last two years then definetly somebody strong behind them. So oue only option is to be aware and tell as many people as we can.
haaahhhh!!!! wish i cud hav visited here earlier….. yes friends m talking about Al Aidy Al Mahira bi**h, they called my brother for an interview today… that bloody ba*$#d lady called herself Tina asked him to fill up the form, my brother wanted to read the form but she tricked my brother and he was unable to read the full form and he filled it up….. she asked him for 300dhs nd the same thing which others have mentioned here i.e., money is refundable, Thanx to Allah that my brother didnt had the full amount but that fu$#@%$g lady succeeded in borrowing 45dhs from my brother….. beware guys…. if nothin u can do than plz just inform ur frenzzz abt these frauds who r seekin for job..
One of my friends had experience with Core Elements located near crown plaza hotel sheikh zayed road, this one is another fraud company.
special thanks to Mr. Ravoof
Allah Bless u 🙂
u r website is very useful, i am koothanallurian, citizen of singapore, living in singapore for the past 60 yaers, now i am in malaysia, johor bahru 20 km from singapore, running a printing business in johor bahru with 25 workers with my malaysian family. i can seen many indians cheeted promised to give work in malaysia with higher salary and with 8 hours working days. when they reach in malaysia, they forced to work 12 hours, mostly in restaurants running by Ramnad District people. in Kuala Lumpur a lot of restaurants even all malaysia this happen. Bosses of Restaurant people get indian rupees at abount 100,000.00 ruond figur, the promis a lot. even the promise high level room facilities to stay workers, when they reach in malaysia no need to say….. Allah will give give them punishment to cheating persons. Please all job seekers be careful in choosing the job.
Thank Allah for all the people who are helping in spreading the word about Cheating agencies.
A list of agencies which CHEAT ROYALLY are:-
1)AL-MAYA HR CONSULTANCY (located in ajman, sara plaza) **
2)AL-ASDIQA (located in buhairah corniche behind KFC)flat104
NOTE: people who support these agencies work for them!
Guys Be aware of a person name Mr. Akhter Usmani(Fraud) and his company Fasterz International Fzc, he will introduce himself as MD to company name Fasterz International Fzc it’s in Hamriya FZ(UAE). He interviewed me on October 27,2011 and appointed me for the post of Sales Executive, with basic 3500 AED ,
He asked me to pay 550 AED as security deposit and said it is refundable if I am terminating or after completing my probation period. I signed the contract on October 28,2011.He intervied me in StarBucks cofee shop at al ghurair centre Dubai. He said they are going to open office in dubai. He is having branches in Oman. He is staying in sharjah,He is basically a pakistan. His age is nearly above 50. After signing the contract he asked me to come and join on October 29,2011. He asked me to come again in StarBucks cofee shop at al ghurair centre Dubai, I went the way he taled with me is bad.. He asked me to be his PA. I am shocked to see a man like this . His age will be as my grand father and not behaving as a professional man.. I escaped by saying some reasons to him. that day evening itself i called him and said i am not interested in this job so please return my money and i will submit my resignation. He said v can meet on Monday 31,2011 October.From Monday I am calling him, He is not replying me properly and still he did not give my money.. Ya Allah is this a way man behaves to his employe.. please girls be alert of these idioits.. Don’t trust any one by there age.. I Lost my 550 AED.. But any way i escaped from this idioit.. This man is basically from pakistan.. He will interivew and will ask u to pay 550 AED.. He will get the money from the next day he won’t take the phone and escape with our money.. don’t beleive this fraud and give ur money.. I need to no whether v can complaint him .. v shouldnot leave these pepole..
Guys Be aware of a person name Mr. Akhter Usmani(Fraud) and his company Fasterz International Fzc, he will introduce himself as MD to company name Fasterz International Fzc it’s in Hamriya FZ(UAE). He interviewed me on October 27,2011 and appointed me for the post of Sales Executive, with basic 3500 AED ,
He asked me to pay 550 AED as security deposit and said it is refundable if I am terminating or after completing my probation period. I signed the contract on October 28,2011.He intervied me in StarBucks cofee shop at al ghurair centre Dubai. He said they are going to open office in dubai. He is having branches in Oman. He is staying in sharjah,He is basically a pakistan. His age is nearly above 50. After signing the contract he asked me to come and join on October 29,2011. He asked me to come again in StarBucks cofee shop at al ghurair centre Dubai, I went the way he taled with me is bad.. He asked me to be his PA. I am shocked to see a man like this . His age will be as my grand father and not behaving as a professional man.. I escaped by saying some reasons to him. that day evening itself i called him and said i am not interested in this job so please return my money and i will submit my resignation. He said v can meet on Monday 31,2011 October.From Monday I am calling him, He is not replying me properly and still he did not give my money.. Ya Allah is this a way man behaves to his employe.. please girls be alert of these idioits.. Don’t trust any one by there age.. I Lost my 550 AED.. But any way i escaped from this idioit.. This man is basically from pakistan.. He will interivew and will ask u to pay 550 AED.. He will get the money from the next day he won’t take the phone and escape with our money.. don’t beleive this fraud and give ur money.. I need to no whether v can complaint him .. v shouldnot leave these pepole.. I am having his signed contract which is clearly mentioned about my refundable money.. Can any 1 help ih this.. Please don’t leave this man…. his number (552462742,552162742,502027019)
ders also dis other company called al aidy al mahirah,i called dem gt da namba thru gulf news,der found in sharjah n dei promised mi gd salary n benefits bt at de end ov it al dei asked 4 300dhms……………i wounder y people shld luk 4 money in unhonest way,sincerely dat money u gt out ov pple is haram n wateva u use 4 u wil neva gain out ov it bz ur gt it frm pple who ve vry smal money 2 survive…………..ALLAH IS DA MOST SEER.
thks every one. By yr help Allah save me from being cheated by alayadi recruitment sharjah. Robber miss noor madam who is planing to cheat
This is very strange. What’s about police in UAE. They should stop that. If you can’t get your rights via police men! how can you get it! I noticed that these companies avoid being in Dubai. I am on a visit visa. Once I get a job I will work on that God willing. People who were victims of such companies please send me Emails at in order to work together to stop this. We should do something.
Thanks allot my all brother who give there precious comment and view about all these fraud people….i also once go through al aidy al mahira company and completly faud company and plz plz my good friend take some major action against all these companies im with u…thanks
Hi everyone !!!
These are true facts. I have been conned by Aidy Al Mahirah. They initially took AED 100 and then AED 400 (same story).They keep giving excuses when refund is being asked for. Beware of these people – MOHD (old Man), Mrs. Henna (Aunty) . One more truth is that nothing is gonna happen to these sick consultancies. I believe they have got a strong back up, in the form of SHJ POLICE.
Also, KUDOS to the admin. Keep up the good work 🙂
This a frauad company was situated in sharjah, near saudi mosque, the same building dubai islamic bank, third floor, room no 301, phone no. 0553217608. her name was noor..She is a beautiful girl. anyone have date with her..pls contact that number….less money more comfort
assalamu alaikum,beware of dubai gate managemant cunsultancy.they are big cheater.
I don’t know there are lots of fraud recruitment companies in UAE, I am still unknown whether I was cheated or not, coz just today I paid 400 Dhirams for a Job to a company named Diligent Human Resource Training & Marketing Solution located in Ajman, coz they signed a letter form me, saying that I got selected for a job. Lets see what happens within few days, if this company is really fraud, I am going to complain with the authorities and spread the message over Internet…Will destroy them.
Hi frnds, these are true facts. I also had a similar experience. the same story that every one told regarding the fraud company working still in the heart of Sharjah with full security. AL AIDY AL MAHIRAH situated in Dubai Islamic Bank Building, Room No. 301, 3rd floor.. This adv was seen in Gulf news. i applied for that. next day they told me to come to their office in shj. i went there. a pleasing lady interviewed me and offer 4000dhs for admin post + other offers also. and asked my hus to pay dhs 300. she forced to pay atleast 200 and ur job is sure. and she also told one thing that if the HR interviews you and if ur selected u will not get money back and if not selected or if ur not intrested also we will give back the money. with that one word we paid the money. but wen i search for this company in website i realised that this is a fraud company and we asked to return our money. but they did,nt. so Pls be aware i don’t want anybody to get cheated by this frauds. i am sure that they will continue cheating poor people. Nobody is here to kick them out?? I will be with u all to wipe them from here.
I had similar experience too. I paied AED 500 each in AL AIDY AL MAHIRAH in Sharjah and New Spirit near GGICO metro staion in Dubai for my cousin who was in visit. They promised to get the job done in three to four working days and never called for any interview. They never answer your call once they receiv the money.
Please contact me at whoever knows good enough about Al Qabas or Al Aidy Al Mahirah
Be aware of the fraud by AL-AWAIEL employment and manpower supply company in Sharja, uae. There procedure of fraud is first they are giving Advertisement in different news paper that following persons are required to be hired in a big uae company and bla bla bla…….., only a phone number will be mentioned, after calling u will be told that come on 4pm we have an interivew, when you get there they will tell you that a company is hiring people for ………position and offer is this much (lies after lies) and then they will give u a form to be filled after that they will tell you that deposit 300AED as registration fee and if you will not be hired then this fee is refundable.
But they will never refund you 300AED. when you will come back for your refund they will cut 200AED from you as service and other charges and will tell to come after 7 days to collect the 100AED.
so be aware if of AL-AWAIEL employment and manpower supply company, King faisal road faisal 2 building behind Suzuki show, sharja
thanks for the valuable information Ikram.
Ikram! You are right. I was a victim to their fraud yesterday they even gave me a dairy and all that but you know what am going to show them the stuff am made of. Wish I had seen this earlier.
Al awaiel manpower are fake.i gave them 200 dirhams for job that never existed.please guyz be aware and dont give themyour money. I pray they get what they deserve some day though!
Lisa john did u get ur refund?
Mr. Ikram and Lisa John me too fallen for the same company. I went for the interview on 12th August for the post of Admin Asst. and was promised a job in Dubai Airport Free Zone Area with a great salary of 6000 dhs. And the lady named Sneha said she was from goa panji and spoke my language and she had her two children playing behind her chair. she said i was selected and asked me to pay 300 dhs after filling the form. she even gave a receipt for the same. then she gave me a diary pen company cd and a paper bag saying it was a gift from them on being selected. and that they would call up and tell me when I have to come back for the second interview. But till today i get one answer whenever i call them saying they are waiting for confirmation from the company and insha allah they will call me as soon as possible. Im just wondering that people can be so bad. they use Gods name but they dont even fear god. What qualities is she inculcating in her kids. now i wonder if they were her kids or bought on rent to show no fraud.
Hi Rosie,
Any update about your application with Al Awaiel? Last week only when they called me for an interview, they told me the same thing, a job in dubai freezone, chocolate factory, admin asst with salary of 6,500. I dont have money that time thats why i only paid 50 dirham to sena. Before that, i asked them if that is a company or agency, they said its a company. So, did they calk you again?
thank god…. thank you admin for this blog….i was going tomorrow for my first interview…ufff
Dear All,
I gone through the postings some of them posted more than 2 years back, still this fraud is continuing in today’s date also, from the same office location 301, Dubai Islamic bank building, Near immigration Road. My wife called a mobile number 0508456271, the lady attended the phone introduced her self as Ms. Banu, as I know about this kind of frauds happening I did a double check & from her talk it’s very clear this is a fraud setup. So i just searching about this & landed this blog.
This blog is doing a great job, no doubt about it.
There is noway to stop this cheating legally? Is any option to inform any legal body in Sharjah?
very fake plese all UAE job seekers plese dont go to this AL AWAIEL EMPLOYMENT & MANPOWER SUPPLY SERVICES they will take ur money fee of 300 AED and fake you with jobs plese dont become fool by them.
Be aware of the fraud by AL-AWAIEL employment and manpower supply company in Sharja, uae.
very fake just asking for 300 AED
very fake plese all UAE job seekers plese dont go to this AL AWAIEL EMPLOYMENT & MANPOWER SUPPLY SERVICES they will take ur money fee of 300 AED and fake you with jobs plese dont GO THERE VERY FAKE FRAUD
No Mariah… Nothing from their side… Everytime I call them they tell me they are waiting for confirmation from the company. When i ask them what confirmation are they waiting for when they have told me before that the company has approved my documents, they just disconnect the call.. Actually now i hav just stopped calling them as i am wasting more amount on the calls to them…
I have gone through most comment and I m sure im not the only one.
I have been cheated by Al awaiel employment & manpower services.
These ppl called and said they will give job. A lady assured a job else money refund. I didn’t get a good job. Im an MBA 6 yr of experience. And I can damm clear any interview provided itvoffers right salary.
Here I got job offer for 1200-1500 aed. Thats nonsense!
This company Al awaiel employment & manpower services is in sharjah. Near suzuki showroom.
They charged 200 aed and till date no refund. When asked they say”read T&C”.
And what abt the misrepresentation of staff abt refund and assuring us to believe them.
guys dont fall for them. In there is no need to pay such agency any amt for a job.
I wish how can I teach these guys a lesson.
as for the guys supporting them…”u got guts…come meet me personally and I shall give u a lesson for a life time”
Guys anybody having any idea of Buhaira Management Consultancy?? One of my colleague has been offered Dhs. 35 per hour pay, with cost of Immigration and Processing charges to Canada, with a whopping charges of 11,000 USDollars!!!!
i went for an interview in alwaiel today .
they told me they wil get me a job for HR Assistant
i am not sure they asked me to give me 300 aed
i didnt give full i gave 30 aed
guys i need ur help
Same happened to me also. But i paid 300dhs to them. The company name is alawaiel emplyment and manpower recruitment in king faisal road sharjah.
Hi everybody!It’s sad to hear that still lot of innocent people are being victim of this fraud company. Yah, it’s true Al Qabas International is just changing their. I worked their before for atleast one month but i quit because cannot take it to see people being cheated.Actually, they have sister company in dubai The NEW FUTURE and the other one in sharjah also. The owner of this company is an egyptian.They are mad if u dont reach a qouta for one day. There is an incident when the taxi driver apply for work, he’s a patan. They punch this guy by the manager because the taxi driver want to get the money. I dont know why lot of people like them… They are asshole and cheaters! Im hoping that the government of UAE will do something to stop this kind of company.
Same happened to me also. But i paid 300dhs to them. The company name is alawaiel emplyment and manpower recruitment in king faisal road sharjah. They said I will get a call for job interview in one week .but no call has come besides they gave a reciept which they said 300 is refundable, is there any way to get back my 3oo dirhams Please some one provide a solution as we all are being duped and many more will be duped daily if no one takes action.
today in dubbizle i saw a ad stating we are looking HR Assistant Male Female with Good experience and good in work, candidates must have administrative skills, Call for appointment, 050-8456247
when i called some filipino lady picked up and gave me some address to come and give d interview address was [sharjah dubai islamic bank near immigration road c block third floor 301]
they said that i need to pay money then i wil get refund after i get selected
Company name : Manpower something she said
noidea i was thinking to go but after listening to her i dont wanna go ..
Hey guys, I’m john here. Is really al awaeil recruitment a scam ???? Plz reply me as soon as possible.
Me also want to know about al abiel. There was an interview today
Did anyone know if Al Qabas International in Sharjah is related or same company with Al Qabas Employment Services in Abu Dhabi? I want to know asap please. Thank you.
Al Awaiel is also a scam , people beware , went there today , same routine , same 300 dhs
I got offer letter from Efficiency clearing and forwarding services company from mussaffah,Abudhabi. For the visa process i went to home and waited for 8 months. But they didn’t send visa. So again i came abudhabi and visited that fraud company. They told they are interested to take me but they reduced my salary and they asked 2000 dhs for my visa process. So i scolded them and rejected the job from that company.
They really don’t know how to treat employee. I heard too many employee absconded due to poor administration. So please be aware of this fraud company!
Efficiency clearing and forwarding services is a fraud company.
this to inform you we already registered law suite against you and your blog. that publishing wrng information about companies , and as suggestions , any body have a problem with any company , go talk to them , or use legal way , instead wasting time , talking here. thank god this united arab emirates , and any company here must have licenses for any thing to do .
Dear Jamal. All posts/comments in this blog are their respective experiences or opinions. They are expressing their difficulties they faced. No one is publishing anything wrong about any company, but what experience they faced by interacting with them. UAE has been and will be the best accommodating country for many of us and we are thankful to it and its rulers for the wonderful atmosphere and opportunities that they have given us. Please enlighten us as to what information that is published is wrong. Which company are you from?
There is this company named al awaiel consultancy at king faisal road behind Suzuki showroom they r ready to give me the contract letter but I need to give them 300 they said u will get the job otherwise they will pay you back andone aware of this company.
Hai guyz..
i also got an interview in Al Awaiel .. They told me that there will be one more interview on next week with the company person. company will give 4500/- slry+fud and Accmdtn. visa will be completely free and for the process and paper works i have to pay 300/- Dhs. and will be refunded in case i fail in the interview. i told that i dnt have that much money , she told that then pay the half. i told i will get the money from my friend who is waiting outside and will give you
Don’t give the cash. No one company will take cash ever
Required Office coordinator M/F
Details: Posted on: 24th December 2014
Company Name: Shipping company
Employment Type: Full Time
Monthly Salary: Unspecified
Benefits: visa transportation accommodation provided
Minimum Work Experience: 0-1 Years
Minimum Education Level: Bachelors Degree
Listed By: Employer
Company Size: 501-1000 Employees
Career Level: Mid-level
Required Office coordinator For Shipping Company in Dubai Free zone.Visa Transportation Accommodation wt excellent salary provided.& Salary negotiable depending on experienced.For appointments kindly contact on : 0566314310,Walk in interview on : 24/12/2014 {Any Nationality} Fresher can apply
ADVT in Dubizzle …. by
al awaiel employment & manpower supply service
i call the mobile no seeking an opportunity, i was asked to report immediately at the head off at Sharjah – when i went there i was asked to come to 208. i gave my CV. there are lots of rooms in the office with a lady with many phones sitting in each rooms. after a while i heard my name called from one room. i went there and the lady asked me to lock the door for interview. then she rushed through my CV and told me tat they can a vacancy for a office in Dubai. she asked me my expected salary and told me the company will pay AED 5000 + Acc + Trans + Visa. She gave me an application to fill in and asked for AED 300 . and that i would receive a call fro the company after 2 day for interview and they would return the money if im unsuccessful.she had around 5 mobile phones in her take and all the phones are ringing. after coming outside i had a chat with the other candidate sitting there. they have given advt for many vacancies and each lady is assigned with dealing different vacancies. Do it very professionally . cheating job seeker.
Im hoping that the government of UAE will do something to stop this kind of company.AL AWAIEL EMPLOYMENT & MANPOWER SUPPLY SERVICE. I DNOT MENTION THE NAME OF THE LADIES COZ I KNOW THERE NAMES ARE FAKE.
Dear Mr. Ravoof,
I am Pradeep Prabhakaran from India,by the way thanks for posting your feed backs against such fraudulent people and showing people the right direction, even i had the same bad experience few days from one of the consultancy. The company name is Al Aidy Employment and Man power Supply Services their office is in Al Qasimia King Abdul Aziz Street, Dubai Islamic Bank Building Block C,Flat No 301, Sharjah. The lady from the HR department charged me 300 dhs and assured me with in 48 hours i will get the job what i have applied for and once getting the job have to pay the rest 200 dhs and if not the money will be refunded.Today i got a call from them to pay the rest amount,i said unless the job i will never pay the rest, and today when i went there, came to know that lot many others have been affected the same way as i did, I think the company owner is an Egyptian guy, he said he will never refund our money and said to complain to the police station.Well i have gathered some few people who got affected as i did and we are going to meet on Saturday at 11 am near Dubai Islamic bank Sharjah. And people those who are affected by this consultancy,kindly join us on Satarday at 11 am the place were you guys haveto meet is mentioned above. Those who are interested in getting there money back kindly join, for further clarification plse call (0561423784).
And Mr.Ravoof is there any suggestion that you could give us to stop this people from stealing our money ??
Good initiative Pradeep. As per the law no job seeker should pay any fee whatsoever regarding a job. So please beware of such people and companies. Getting a job is tough here, but please be patient and keep trying. You may not get a job during your first visit, but will do so if you come again and keep trying. Always try to get mush information about any consultancy before submitting your CV or going for an interview. All the best
Thank you Mr Ravoof,I don’t know if we will receive our money back,that’s gone for a toss well i lost 300 dhs and my two friends whom i met their too lost their 300 dhs each in return we have spread out the news that this company is a fraud at least 8 other applicants saved their money and its never over we will still continue doing it.Meanwhile if any others who is affected by this consultancy kindly join us on Saturday at 11 am near Dubai Islamic bank sharjah, to know the exact location please call me the number is mentioned above.And we are not doing it for our money but to stop these fraudulent people from doing such activities. We are not gathering there to attack or do some physical fight but to move as per law by filing a petition against such people.And if their is a group the law will take it seriously.
Dear guys this is happening for the past many years and nothing has been done to stop these, ask yourself whether you want to get rid of these completely or else want your friends and fellow beings be affected by such people,choice is yours any way me and my friends will move against them, rest we will leave it to god.
Dear friends,(Akahata, Uma,Phimal, Nithin,Conned, Kk, Alim Ahmed, Hadijah,Chacko,Prateek, Imaan,Chicka, Jose, Abdur,Asif,Vengayil,Azam,Alim, Rosie and others if any left),
Read all your comments got affected the same way as i did.Well would you guys like to join us on Saturday at 1pm down of Dubai Islamic Bank building, why not a joint petition to the head of the Police??? the government will take seriously when there is majority of people.why such cheating is happening is, no one is there to stop or no one has time and i think this people tackle with those on Visit visa coz they are aware no one will go to court. Depending on god is good but 50% i would suggest, the rest we should try sorting it out by our selves coz he has many other things to do.
i will be in dubai on a visit visa on 21st of january 2015. May Allah help me, Rawoof your blog has given a new dimension for me about Dubai
Hello All Unfortunately i saw this blog……Today I have gone the AL AWAIEL EMPLOYMENT & MANPOWER SUPPLY SERVICE, and that lady sneha told me that you are selected your job is confirm and bala bala u have to give visa typing fee by urself and suddenly she asked me 300 AED, But I paid 45 AED and expecting that i will got the job but outside i met a victim and he told me the whole story….and I searched about this and saw your blog….. i am thinking to launch complain against them cox my money has lost but why the other become victim….
any news about the ones who had joint petition? me and my friend also paid 300aed in al awaiel coz it was all sudden. i just borrowed that money and i hope we can still refund it.
hello ,
Has any action taken against them?
I checked dubbizle site tht ad is rremoved regarding al awaiel .
I think they realized tht ppl are awakening about their fraud business
same happened for me in Al Awaiel….. Please contact me if you people are going for legal actions….
What happens to you guys in alwaiel i called them and they are saying that cpmpany will call me at 3o clock today, i have never shown them that i realized that they are fake also i have paid only 45 dhms may be thats why for taking more money thery are playing a drama
I Got a job offer letter from BRITISH ARABIC INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY Dubai this is real in Dubai or fraud ??? please update me if any one know about this academy ……………………………………
My friend paid the amount as the office of AL AWAIEL EMPLOYMENT & MANPOWER SUPPLY SERVICES staff told it will be refunded if you withdraw or not satisfied of their services with full amount.. So a friend went back for refund and they are telling it wont be refunded full as already signed the conditions. So the one who interviewed was not telling the truth. A friend confronted the accounts and wont allow to talk to the staff who interviewed and was asked to come in few days to take the money..Better get the refund earlier than losing all amount…Let God forgive and judge them.
we also went back there just this afternoon cause it was supposed to be the day of our written and oral exam in the hospital that they were saying. but ofcourse it didn’t happen. that woman (accounts staff) told us to go back on thursday coz it would be the “7 working days” since we signed up with them. still hoping to get the refund in full.
Al awaiel still doing the same, They are keep on advertising in dubizzle for various positions. Now they are not giving any identity. You can find a small description and a telephone number. If you call to that number a ,lady will tell very quickly the location. And what I found is they are using different contact numbers for different positions. Once you reach their office, its funny .. They will ask the number which you called !! For IT Admin/Computer operator 0566313450
Al awaiel is no doubt a fraud company they have around mobile numbers which try use to advertise in dubbizle they are located at king faisal road behind Suzuki showroom yes afmon your are right they will ask you about the phone number you called then they will send you to the person one of the lady is Ayesha she is from Islamabad Pakistan they will take 300 from you and will tell you to call back but they never do that I hope there should be a way to complain such companies be aware of them guyz don’t pay them any thing.
We should all take some action against this al awaiel what say guyz let’s do some thing we need to bring the authorities attention to them.
Hi Guys,
Unfortunately I am also the victim of this manpower
I request you people to not to pay any amount. They always says the same story that we will get a job call. But I didn’t get any call till date. They drags these conversation until our visa expires.
Phone numbers they are using for Computer Operator Jobs in dubizzle:
+971 566313450 and +971 566314310
I suggest everyone to be aware of consultancies.
Lets Try on our own Talent rather than Money, IT Jobs are available in UAE.
One last thing to everyone: There will be a day for Everyone.
The people who are doing Good like us(Job Seekers) and the people who are bad like these Consultancies(many).
Hope everyone have a good day 🙂
Guys if you are on visit, If you are looking for jobs desperately. I advice you, do not visit this consultancy. They are here to Rob you and make your life miserable.
I visited this consultancy on 31st Jan 2015. Office opening time is 9.00am in the morning, in fact it opened at 10.00 am, I was waiting for 1 hr outside the office.
I found 75% jobs are 1 year old and can’t find any current leads. Office staff working here might ask you money for any stupid reason, be aware and please don’t give them a single penny. They designed the office nicely and it seems like the professionally dressed staff is there to help you out, but its an illusion.
When I was filling the application form they are asking for confidential information (which they don’t have right to ask). For example name and mobile numbers of the family members, their occupation, their location etc. I got a question here, why do you need this information?? Moreover they were asking for how many jobs you applied so far, how many calls you get, how many interviews you attended, who was the interviewer and company, how much they offered. Dear Mr Anup Bhatia, your company suppose not to ask any sensitive information.
Conclusion: Gulf Job Seeker consultancy don’t have any intention to help out job seekers but definitely to rob them for CV Writing, CV spot light, subscription for particular time. (Even they will ask money for CV printout and scanning the documents).
I really appreciate to address this issue. I have a visitor who went this office and they did the same as you mentioned. It is a SCAM i believe. The lady NENA is perheps represent the same office thats why bshe is so aggressively supportive and loyal to them.GOOD LUCK MR BLOGER
Thanks Mr. Khan.
i also cheated by same company.
Please help me out if this company is fake or real ,they asked for 300 Dhr ,which i refused.
hiii iam also a victim of al awaiel iam thinking what to do any of us support let me know
i paid 300 today for a job. al awaiel is fake?
Dear all,
It is absolutely illegal in UAE that the recruitment asking the fee from interviewee. Please aware of this. Yesterday (13/04/2015) also one of my friend’s relative paid AED. 100 and they said he has to pay the balance amount of AED. 400 to get the job. But I already alert my friend about these fake employment agencies in Sharjah and Ajman
Guys please don’t pay any amount to any recruitment agencies. The genuine recruitment agencies never ask you to pay and they will collect the money from your Employer that who will give the job to you.
I got the job from the recruitment only but my company paid one month salary to that recruitment agency.
HI… I got below mail, i checked in google but could not find the website or mentioned mail id in google. so i just want to know whether this mail is fake or true?
Dear Candidate.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
We have seen your CV Posted on
We wish to inform you that Emirates Fino Petroleum Company (EFPC) United Arab Emirates, shortlisted and recommended to our HR Department.
Hence, We herewith attach an official applicant Online Application form for you to complete and send back to us via email, alongside with a copy of your Updated CV, Identification and qualifications.
Your application will be evaluated on the basis of the answers from the Questionnaire alongside your Resume and you will surely be notified upon review of your whole submitted information, our salary and Perks are based on our candidates’ qualifications, and we assure all our candidates that the entitlements from our office are very attractive and suitable for all post.
Please find enclosed and attached, herewith documents for your endorsement and also in the list are our current and available positions.
Below are the current and available positions where candidates are needed.
1. Petroleum Engineering
2. Civil Engineering
3. QA/QC Engineer
4. Architectural Engineering
5. Marine Engineering
6. Mechanical Engineering
7. Electrical Engineering
8. Electronics-Telecommunication Engineering
9. Surveying Engineer
10. Petroleum Engineer
11. Business development manager
12. Project Managers
13. Site Engineers
14. Auto Cad Engineer/Draftsman
15. Accountants
16. Piping Engineer
17. HR Personnel
18. Document controllers
19. Logistic/warehousing
20. Emergency Nurse/Doctor
21. Safety,HSE/Risk/Security officers
22. Panning Engineer
23. Geophysicist
24. Marketer.
A cooperate project management team, engineering, procurement, construction, transportation and installation, safety, drawing, Designs, Geological services,maintenance, financial,business developing and commissioning.
Entitlement, Compensation and Benefits packages include:
A very attractive net salary paid in US$, AED, Sterling or Euros equivalent depending on, employee home country and currency preference.
Quality single or family housing accommodation in company community.
Free medical care in UAE for employee and family.
Excellent educational assistance benefits with family status employment.
Paid airfares allowing full flexibility with holiday travel.
Personal effects shipment and excess baggage allowances.
Full access to some of the finest and social recreational facilities in UAE.
24 Months, (Two Year) and renewable only on satisfactory performance by employee. Send responds to
Good luck! as you take steps to the right path in building your career.
Dr Ali Muhammeh .
I received the same email from Emirates Fino Petroleum – no trace found in Google , so I guess this is scam pls be careful
@Manu, I guess it is spam. I received the same mail today, only difference is that mine came from, and yours from
Now think about it for a second why would Dr. Ali Muhammeh … (Doctor hehehe) would be recruiting, and why would he send it via gmail?
EMIRATES FINO PETROLEUM COMPANY also sent me the Offer and its 35,500 AED/month and unbelievable benefits.
The contact guy (Dr. Ali) request me to contact with Royal Airline Travel and Tours Agency to prepare the visa and all things.
if anybody know about this company, please tell me.
I just went to this company Alawaiel 2 days ago along with my colleague. Lady checked our cv and told us that there is a british contracting company who’ll take our interview next week.she said you’ll get around 10,000-12,000 AED +house allowance+ family visa etc. I just read this thread and i am stunned that such thing can be happening so openly and from such a long time. Is there anyone who has complained about them to police or any law agency? I just want to know how they react to this complaint because UAE is so strict in their law & order then how can such people do such things so openly and without any fear.
“God’s ways work silently”
These heartless people have just gone blind! I think they will make their coffin out of this money too!
Dear all…
Am also a victim of this scam, al aidy al mahira man power consultancy steal my 500 AED, everyone discussing here and i saw many more online complaints against this fraud company from several websites, even gulf news also entertain this issue with a Nigerian lady, still government not taking action against this blood suckers? Too shame.. its spoil the image of a country. they can escape from govt or law but Allah never forgive them, they must die by accident or incident but should be cruciel. Most of the job seekers are unemplyed jst like me, and 500 dhms is a big thing for them. Plz try to stop this deed of unhuminity. May Allah punish them severly.
which companies are the right one for job seeker in Dubai that dosent ask for money
GCEC is the one of the fraud company in uae, the owner of the company is an a@#$#@, he is crazy and tricky guy, he will get his work done by visit visa and he will send the staff to back home without salary and he will promise them that he will send visa and salary. But he will not.
Be aware of that kind of fraud company, it is in business bay.
Guys, does anyone knows anything at all about the company or website that calls itself Dubai Talent Magazine @ dubaitalentmagazine dot com ? I got a call from them today and they sounded too good to be truth and I couldn’t find anything about them online concerning scam and etc so am wondering if any of you good people have probably been contacted by them and are they okay in terms of what they are saying they engages on and if they are scam trying to get my money I need to know as soon as possible so that I can decide earlier before it is too late.
All contribution are welcome. Kindly reply my comment and I’ll get notification so as to read up too ASAP.
By the way admin, nice job.
Would be happy if one day any of my sites get responses this much.
I recently posted my experience with AL-AWAIEL. Now i am also the victim of such fraud firms. They also arranged a fake interview in a residential area having their own team.All the furniture was covered with clothes. It seemed they just hired took that apartment on a rent for 1 day. Anyways when i went to sharjah to claim my refund they just said that did you read the terms and conditions on back of the pages we gave you. So they said we can just refund you 100 AED out of 300 as we charge you 200 for interview guidance. On asking what was interview guidance that guy told me that they gave me cd when i came first time so that was related to guidance fir the interview. So they catch people who are on a visit visa and stab them with this trick. BEWARE OF THEM!
I got a offer letter from this company, but they are asking me to pay Rs7000 for the attestation of the medical certificate. People who are moving to abroad usually get attested only on the Degree Certificates right ?? I am from India, Please someone help me if anyone is in and around Dubai, The company is in Dubai, and many people are asked to pay Rs 15000, and some people 7000 only. Some people who paid 15000 are asked to pay to the travels named BLS, International services. And recently some people are asked to pay 7000 to a guy named Surendara in Mumbai, When we contacted him he said, I will give you a account number you deposit it in that account, And the account holder’s name is someone’s name when we ask this he replies like I don’t have indian account, I have only dubai bank account. And even some people deposited the money and they are waiting for nearly 2 months no yet mail from them, even after depositing the money he didn’t even replied like we have received your money and we will process the visa, If someone is in Dubai can you please chech are they really recruiting people please do reply me at the earliest
This is my Mail Id:
contact no : +91 9629843079
Dear brother,
It seems to be a trap. Don’t give any amount. Authentic recruiters take money from the company, not from the candidate. So this all clearly seems to be fake, they will not give back your amount and you won’t be able to fight back either as they keep their sheets clean with terms and conditions. They know a person seeking job like this in UAE will not be strong enough to give them a tough time! Just an advice, do not trust them!
Does anyone know about al-aidy-al-mahirah-employment in sharjah?
Is it fake too??
Another one called Al shams labour supply in UAE, Ajman and dubai. fraudently refused completely to give my company in kenya commision of three housemaids. And since then they don’t pick my calls or call me. A gain blocked my calls completely. Is that fair??
Company namely alnawael at al faisal 2 second floor is also a fraud company. They give theor add in dubizzle when somone calls them they ask to come here and when heborbshengoes they ask to pay 300 or 500 dhirhams.kindly tell what action can be taken. I stopped many people not to pay and got threat from them that this is owned by some local police at higher rank you cannot fight.but i believe there must be a way.
UD3 is fake company in UAE,They hired good resource or fresher from marketfor company job.they give only expenses money to their staff without accomodation and they promise they will pay after some days .but they make fool to staff.after some days Employees them self fade up and they will leave company same time that company recovered all visa cost from their pending salary and they said your full and final settlement done.
Since sept.2014 to till date we saw 5 cases.Even now they not responding calls also.
Thanks for your Email. Please note that we have received your signed visa forms and passport front page, you will have to transfer the Courier and documents insurance registration fee of 885 USD immediately to enable us commence with the processing of your traveling papers. Payment must be made via Western union money transfer.
Send the money via this name and address
Receiver Logan King
Address: 446, Mezzanine Floor, Al Bassam Building, Al Riqqa, Deira, Dubai Landmark: Near To Al Rigga Mosque
Yours in service,
Aamal Fida Construction Company
Address: Mezzanine Floor, Kameez Saboozi Building, Khalidiyah Street, Al Khalidiyah, Abu Dhabi Landmark: Behind Khalidiyah Mall UAE.
P.O. Box: 109482, Abu Dhabi
Recruiting Manager: Mr. Saeed Mustafa
Telephone: +971522187134 Telephone: +971527388990
Fax: +971264202628 Fax: +971264202330
Can any tell me if this campony exist.
Aamal Fida Construction Company
Address: Mezzanine Floor, Kameez Saboozi Building, Khalidiyah Street, Al Khalidiyah, Abu Dhabi Landmark: Behind Khalidiyah Mall UAE.
P.O. Box: 109482, Abu Dhabi
Recruiting Manager: Mr. Saeed Mustafa
Telephone: +971522187134 Telephone: +971527388990
Fax: +971264202628 Fax: +971264202330
If so whey do they ask for
“ you will have to transfer the Courier and documents insurance registration fee of 885 USD immediately to enable us commence with the processing of your traveling papers. Payment must be made via Western union money transfer.”
On 27th July 2015, I saw an add in Khaleej Times. The add was that they need professional staff for a Hotel and a phone No 0562913194 was given for contact. No name of the hotel, no name of the company or agency hiring, no name of the person to be contacted. However, even after that I thought it might be they wanted the add to be short and saving money. on 28th Jul 2015 I called them on the given phone no and lady picked up the phone. After greeting her I told her that I have called on the no in response to an add for hotel staff given in Khaleej Times. She even didn’t ask me about my qualification, work experience etc and asked where are you from? I said I am from Pakistan and currently in Abu Dhabi. She quickly jumped and say can you come Sharjah till 6 PM. I said please give me some information which Hotel are you recruiting for? what is the name of your company? and she replied leave the name just come and we will tell you everything. I said OK give me your email ID and just have a look at my CV if I am eligible for what you are looking for and she said leave the email, it is a walk in interview no need of email and just come Sharjah. I said OK give me the address and she started giving me the address “Sharjah Immigration, Dubai Islamic Bank, C Block, 3rd Floor, Office No 301 and ask for Miss Bano”. I said OK and after cutting the call I knew 99% that it was a fake company and their is no job and if I go there it will be just wastage of time and they will for sure ask me for money. Then I started searching about them and I came to this website where people have given stories of another companies. I thought why shouldn’t I give information about this company so that at least someone who reads it will be safe. And while searching I even found a news story about the same company called “Sharjah Immigration” in Khaleej Times. Here is the link for the news story, just read and you know more about them. Thanks guys and be safe by practicing safe practices for your job search.
I even found that most of the jobs given in Khaleej Times classifieds the one specially given on their website or fake and fraudulent. An example of that is an add which came through my eyes which is regarding Hotel workers needed for Fairmont Hotels in Canada. And the email address for contacting the person is given a gmail ID.
So my final advice for job seekers is “Never Ever apply to job, but on the company’s own website”, have some reproach about the company, check their careers website if the vacancy is there, it is OK and apply on their website, if the vacancy is not there it is a fake job”.
Thanks and best of luck.
Credit link company…. Someone tell me about this company as this company is hiring people from India so is it fake or genuine company….. Pls revert and confirm.
Totally it’seems froud my self also part or it guys plz be ware like this company
I was conned into paying 300 dirhams for a job that was not in existence in the United Arab Emirates by Al Awaiel employment & manpower supply services P.O.Box 46451,abdullah bin rawaha street, by brainobrain international opposite alrabee alshamm bakeries by al moski bustop along king Faisal street in Sharjah, UAE. Their phone numbers are +97165452050, +971567205137 and 065457975.Their target are immigrants who do not know what is obtainable in the UAE. They go online on different job sites like dubizzle uae and indeed ae to advertise jobs that are not in existence. Their job caption normally goes thus: a contracting company in Dubai free zone is looking for autocad draftsman, quantity surveyors, security guards bla bla bla. The job is advertised with work visa, accommodation, transport, feeding, medical and overtime.They do not put their company name but just a phone number.The trick is simple, the wife place an advert on dubizzle,and collect 300 dirhams from you promising you work visa within 7 working days, then the husband do the finishing by the time you start complaining.When you call the phone number, you will be directed to their office in Sharjah where they will promise to get you a work visa within 7 working days. After collecting 300 dirhams from you,they would give you a number to be calling. Towards the expiration of your UAE Visa and on getting to their office, one will be given 150 dirhams back without any job offer. Hence, one has been scammed and duped 150 dirhams. But I wonder what the UAE Government is doing concerning these recruitment firms that con foreigners that come to the UAE to look for jobs. This is not just fair as it does not potray a good image of United Arab Emirates as a country that possess the fear of God
Please is there any one that knows anything about this company?
Jameel Ahmad Staffing Officer
Universal Service Center
P. O. Box: 4399, Abu Dhabi,U.A.E.
Please some should help me and give information about them. They told me the have a branch in dubai. Please I need to know more. Thank you.
Dolphin Group Qatar is a fraud company boasting of several other firms by the name of Al-Dana Developments, Al-Hakeem Aluminium, Solidare, Dolphin Consultants, Al Majaz Enterprises, Dolphin International UAE. They are absolute cheaters who have used the name of Dolphin by misguiding people that it’s a sister concern of Dolphin Energy which is one the most reputed and renowned companies of Qatar involved into energy production. The CEO of this company is a Qatari national MR.EISA AL HAKEEM who has also involved the names of Qatar’s royal family people in his presentation. The company does not pay salary on time as well as deducts 3 months salary of employees at the initial stage. No proper accommodation is provided as well as employees have to starve for food as the office is located in desert area with no access to markets, hotels and other essential commodities. Eisa usually comes to India by FEB & NOV of each year to recruit people from Mumbai and Kerala as he thinks indians can be fooled easily.
You can also browse thru linkedin profile as this company by the name of dolphin group qatar..
Please be aware of this dangerous modus operandi of Eisa AL Hakeem & save your career… its also a fraud type consultancy.they want money for visa processing .AL AWAIEL EMPLOYMENT & MAN POWER SUPPLY COMPANY
Sharjah – Al Qasimia
Near Suzuki Showroom,king-Faisal road ,sharjah.
@ Emeraan, they must be fake asking for money. You guys should just endeavour looking for a job at the comfort of your home. Everything is a risk. Get a month visit visa then enter to come search for job if you’re sure of yourself. Also, once in dont pay for employment is against the UAW Labour laws. I came in since got a job too and am also helping people with visit visa to come and find job themselves. Dont let any fake stupid people ruin your life by duping you all the time. I did not pay a dime to get my change and I did a visa change without the need to go back home since many fake companies will tell you to go back home to your company that they will send you your employment visa. Is a big scam especially if they collected some money from you.
I will place my number here for anyone who wants to chat, get visit visa and etc also: +971508789031
Add me and whatsapp me any time if am not sleeping or too busy i will reply.
I work with a travel and tourism company and getting you a visit visa is faster and affordable too.
Also, I help arrange cheap accommodation to enable you sleep comfortably during your stay without breaking a bank if you cannot afford hotel accommodations.
Best regards and good luck!
PS: Ibraheemovic Dubai
i have joined the company in uae jabeel ali fze, as an hr, they discussed some salary in Chennai, but here in Arabic contract form they asked me to sign in less salary , i am confused , they told me this is common for everywhere and its for bank guarantee, i refused to sign. what should i do? pls help
I have doubt about this UAE Number: 0508456271
I think the job postings from this is number is not genuine
Any idea about Spark Consultancy – Abu Dhabi
Hi, I am from south Africa, I applied for a job last year December at a company called aerials construction llc in abundance dhabi. They got back to me on Monday asking me to send them my cv. Thereafter they sent me a email saying I am shortlisted for the job and on Wednesday they called me and told me that the job and they sending me all the documents. They then said once I sign the documents and send it through they will get back to me with banking details to transfer money to for assurity, 3000 aed which is R13500. So I’m not sure if this is true or what. The number they called from is a cellphone number +971556066714 HR, but on the website under the company name is also a landlines which is +97126767574. Please I need you advise. If u want me for forward u the mails from them, I can. Please advise.
As per UAE law, a company should not ask for any money for whatever reasons. AED 3,000 is a lot of money. I’m not sure of their intentions. You have to verify if they are genuine. Companies do ask for surety money from employees even though it is against the law. But they usually take the money once the employee enters the country on their visa. I advice you to be cautious and make sure you have a job/visa before you do anything. I would not go ahead if I was in your position. Then again it is my opinion and for you it may differ. Wish you all the very best.
Good morning sir,
I am srikanth.
one consultancy which is in Delhi called for the vacancy for gulf.they told me that your resume has been selected for the post of computer operator.they interviewed over telephonic.and mailed me U are selected.and i got visa.i paid money 55000. how i can check that The UAE company Really exist or not In UAE. If not then what i to do against the Consultantancy.
As I always tell people, paying for Visa in UAE is against the law. Agents and Consultancies should get their money from the companies they hire for and not the employees. In spite of this people do pay, as you did, and sometimes they don’t get the job they asked for, or sometimes, no job at all.
You can check about the company and also contact them to find out more. If the company do not exist, then you have lost your money. You can travel to UAE in that Visa, but you will have no job if there is no company. So the risk is all yours. All the best. Keep us posted of what is happening.
Thanks admin sir. i have been gone with this today. There was an add for warehouse incharge so i called them. A lady gave me the address of sarjah. I went there. They signed me the form and without interviewing me they said i was selected in a freezone company, salary will be 2700+accomodation would be called next week, come in clean saved and shirt pant. Later she asked me they are not taking any money for the visa. But i have to pay 300 for visa typing. I said i dont have that much money. I got only 60. She told me to give 50 now and collect the remaining money within 5pm today.i was so happy to get the job and gave her 50 aed. And i came out of the building and called my brother about the company and money. He said not to give a single amount to them. OMG what to do? So i called the lady again to return my money but she said you signed the form so come next week to collect the money.later As i searched about the company i found this blog. Thanks admin.i will be aware next time. But this fake company should be punished.
Please i just went for an interview with al awaiel and they collected 300 dirhams from me to process a job,i just want to confirm if al awaiel is also involved in this same fraudelent activity,their office location is at suzuki showroom,king faisal way sharjah
According to the posts from job seekers above, it seems that this company needs to be scrutinised. Please DO NOT PAY ANY MONEY for a job! Employment agencies are supposed to get their commission directly from the Employer and not the Job seeker. So please be cautious when you give money. Actually don’t give any money!
Dear All, The same experience to me for the past one week. the phone No. is 009 11 130024500. The company name some where they downloaded my details in partial & disturbing me for the past one the first day itself I told them dont want your service. they’re asking me to login their website at an instant they’re sending the email asking that are u online. they’re asking about 1500 AED. with out company name. in first they told me calling from later the email came to different website.I also informed Naukri gulf team.
In Burdubai also one job Gulf job agent asking money for registration. even no service given for 2, 3 years they asking money for al those years from which date u registered.
Good that you have been alert Krish! There are many still getting scammed. All the best for your job search.
the fraud company phone No. is 0091 11 30024500.The call is from India.
Hi Ravoof!!
Its good to read your article>i appreciate it.The tips you have mentioned to be aware from fraud are very beneficial.The companies warned that the offers were not legitimate.
“The fake job offer has been around in the UAE for a while now and many have fallen victim to it,” said Amir Kolahzadeh, managing director of Itsec, one of the Middle East’s leaders in cyber security.“There have been many cases involving Adnoc, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi and many other large enterprises, where con artists are offering high-salary positions on a fake letterhead and logo.
keep posting such article
have a great day
Mannat Patel fraud fraud
fraud tfraud ofraud vme
fraud Dfraud efraud afraud rv Sir,
As per our conversation please find the payment process : TOTAL AMOUNT : Rs.5,40,000/-
1) Start your process you have to pay Rs.40,000/-
2) Once you will get job offer that time you have to pay Rs.1,00,000/-
3) Once you will get Appointment letter that time you have to pay Rs.1,00,000/-
4) After getting the Visa your hand that time you have to Pay Rs.1,50,000/-
5) And remaining Rs.1,50,000/ amount will be deduct your salary in UK.
We provide you work Tier 2 permit visa .
Our company’s bank details is mention bellow for transfer the payment :
Excel International
ACCOUNT NO: 036605500354
Once payment will be done so kindly send me acknowledgment.
every thing fraud
hii ravoof
i got employment latter from steven wood building and contracting ltd dubai. is this company is fake..
they tell me to contact to that lawyer to proceeding to visa permit and they ask me to pay after visa process 1225 us dollars per work permit and residence permit and they said me my salary to as a store keeper 6200 us dollars.
Yes it is true. Many come to UAE on visit and want to find jobs. Many agents try to trap all. Many fall to it due to jobless at last moment. There are many false agents. Check Al Khaleej times jobs. Is it real? No. Why? Many jobs are advertised by Al Aidy Al mahirah at King Faisal Road, Behind Dubai Islamic Bank, Suzuki Showroom, Sharjah. It is near Saudi Mosque near big garden in Sharjah. They advertise lots of unavailable jobs and we fall prey and go there. They ask AED 300/- or AED 500/- for regn. But we do not get job soon. So we go there again. They ask some more money and more money and so on. So who is fool? Ministry of labour must check it soon. They give many phone numbers.
Another is Gulfjob Recruiters. Let ministry check it.
Another (DTM) charging AED 65/- from so many candidates but not giving any job. Ministry must check it. Let all who are fooled give complaints by writing to Police dept. in Shj or in Dubai please.
Then police will forward it to the ministry. Then all useless agents will loose jobs like us. Let them go back to India to fool.
Ministry must check with Khaleej times for advertising false jobs which does not exist. Sharjah or Dubai municipality has to impose big fine on khaleej times for advertising wrong and false jobs. False advertisements will spoil the name of UAE. UAE media is false and wrong. Ministry must check it. Police dept must check it and put fine on khaleej times. Check all job agents in Dubai soon.
I doubt if anybody will check anything. Let me tell you the reason why I am saying so. The Ministry of Labour already warned that nobody should pay for any job offer if any employer is asking for or any job agency; since these job agencies get paid for any recruitment of any employee to these companies. Job agency you can trust is Jerry Varghese. they are reliable and won’t charge you a penny for any job posting. However, the list of people that are being shortlisted through them varies and is reduced in higher degrees but, peradventure you have the qualification of what it takes and experience, enrol with them even if you are out the UAE and if you are in the country, make sure you visit their office and submit your CV at their office located at Oud Metta something or online. Went there once and did all that, but never got any job through them. Got my first job directly from an employer and got my second job through a friend here in Dubai. But hey don’t give up until your good is better and your better is best just like me. Cheers guys! For further assistance: Whatsapp: +971566737124. The name is Tommy. Cheers one more time!
Thanks for sharing this information…you are indeed a blessing for bloggers.
You have done a great job Keep it up!
Why do these people cheat others. Why cant they beg on the authorities doing nothing about it
They cheat and take advantages of the other poor people searching for a job because, they are the biggest loosers and the poorest in the entire world!
I recd offer letter from one oil & gas company offering usd 10,500 for project engineer but (m/s al bharati oil& gas company,sharjah uae) let me know companyis fake
UAE employer dupes job seekers, flees with their money.
They paid Dh1,000 each for a ‘dream’ job that promised them ‘attractive’ salaries of Dh3,000 per month with perks. They are now living through a nightmare of a job hunt after being conned by a company that has vanished into thin air. The victims, mostly Indians, are scurrying for answers after the firm that hired them hastily shut its office and officials disappeared this month. Six victims of the recruitment scam have lodged formal complaints at the Naif police station and police are searching for company officials, including the owner, who is believed to be still in the UAE.
I too have the same experience of getting cheated by AL AIDY AL MAHIRAH MAN POWER SUPPLIES, SHARJAH , DUBAI ISLAMIC BANK BUILDING, FLAT NO 301. It is really embarrassing that these people collect money even from people who cant afford.
So planning to take some initiative and I need some support. if anyone want to join me please email me –
Atleast lets help others falling as prey to these nasty people.
Thank you.
Its fake company and continuously putting scam job on mourjan and other websites with some of these number.
I have received an email from Zayed University after that they redirected me to Gulf Travel Agency for Visa/Work Permit and other Documentation they send me some visa form after that they send me a account no. from delhi to deposit 98000 Inr i have deposited 50000 it is fake or real company in abu dhabi, Mr Hamza Mohamad 3 days he continuously contact me using there mobile number. please help me to short out from this situation what can i do for this.please response in my email id
Gound Floor, Al Mashghouni Building
Hamdan Street (Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohd Street)
Tel.: +971522616349
UAE should chop off these Fraudulent Job Agency owners and its workers hands and hire someone to behead them in public. Since robbing people of their hard earned money which could get them their bread and medicines is a SIN equal to murder or drug trafficking.